Humboldt County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count remains at 482 as no additional cases were reported today. This is the second day with zero new cases in the month of September.
Today’s alert level stands at two or level yellow. Visit humboldtgov.org/dashboard to view the county’s Alert Level Assessment tool.
For the most recent COVID-19 information, visit cdc.gov or cdph.ca.gov. Local information is available at humboldtgov.org or during business hours by contacting covidinfo@co.humboldt.ca.us or calling 707-441-5000.
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard: humboldtgov.org/dashboard,
Follow us on Facebook: @HumCoCOVID19,
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Humboldt Health Alert: humboldtgov.org/HumboldtHealthAlert