Original Wonder Woman TV actor Lynda Carter looks right at home replacing Gal Gadot as the new Wonder Woman in this deepfake video.
Video screenshot by Bonnie Burton/CNET
Long before actor Gal Gadot brought a new take on Wonder Woman in the recent Warner Bros. movies, there was the beloved 1970s Wonder Woman TV series starring actor Lynda Carter.
Now thanks to this convincing deepfake video, fans can see what Carter would look like as Wonder Woman in 2017’s Wonder Woman movie.
Deepfakes are fake videos that convincingly show people appearing to do or say things they never did.
The deepfake video, made by YouTuber DeepFaker, shows Carter as Gadot’s Wonder Woman training on the secluded, all-women island paradise now known as Themyscira, meeting Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) for the first time, battling soldiers, and showing off her superhero skills in other memorable action shots from the first Wonder Woman movie.
On the flipside, DeepFaker also posted an impressive deepfake video of Gadot replacing Carter in the original ’70s Wonder Woman TV series.
The original Wonder Woman series with Carter ran for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The first season originally aired on ABC, and had Wonder Woman coming to America in the 1940s during World War II disguised as Diana Prince, assistant to military man Major Steve Trevor (Lyle Waggoner).
When CBS picked up seasons 2-3 of the show, the title changed to The New Adventures of Wonder Woman and took place during the ’70s instead of the ’40s.
This deepfake video with Gadot replacing Carter in the retro TV series looks incredibly seamless. So while Wonder Woman 1984 wasn’t a huge hit with fans, perhaps a new Wonder Woman movie with Gadot set in the 1970’s TV series setting would do better?
If these deepfake videos make you want to see more of Carter as Wonder Woman, all 60 episodes of the original live-action Wonder Woman show is available to stream on HBO Max. Both of the newer Wonder Woman movies are also available to watch on HBO Max.