‘We’re Doomed!’ Stephen Colbert Finds A Massive Flaw In The Latest CDC Mask Guidance – HuffPost

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert is reveling in the CDC’s new mask guidelines for the vaccinated, even hugging his stage manager in the middle of his monologue. But he also found a big problem with that guidance. 

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said people who are vaccinated can take off their masks, but those who are not vaccinated aren’t safe yet and should wear a mask until they get the shot. 

“What we are really asking the American people to do is to be honest with themselves and to not remove their masks until they are safe,” Walensky said over the weekend. 

“OK, the only thing Americans need to stay safe is to be honest with themselves,” Colbert said. “We are doomed! Do you know what the serving size of Oreos is? It’s not ‘sleeve!’ And pumping cheese is not exercise.” 

See more in his Monday night monologue: 

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