Vaccinated travelers exempt from quarantine beginning Saturday – Pacific Daily News

Fully vaccinated travelers to Guam won’t be subject to quarantine at the government facility beginning Saturday, according to Adelup.

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero issued an executive order Thursday afternoon, relaxing Guam’s travel and quarantine restrictions. The island remains in Pandemic Condition of Readiness 3, and social gatherings are limited to no more than 100 people, according to the order. 

More:Adolescents 12 and older on Guam can receive Pfizer vaccine

More:CDC identifies 6 cases of 3 COVID-19 variants on Guam

Fully vaccinated travelers to Guam won't be subject to quarantine at the government facility beginning Saturday, according to Adelup.

At 12:01 a.m. May 15, incoming travelers who received all necessary doses of an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine — Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson — won’t be required to undergo quarantine, “upon verification.” 

“Travelers availing of this exemption shall be required to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and comply with applicable (Public Health) guidance, including for verification requirements,” the order states.

Public Health guidance and verification standards are pending and will be released shortly, said Adelup spokesperson Krystal Paco-San Agustin. 

CDC guidelines continue to require that all air passengers arriving in the United States from a foreign country present a negative COVID-19 test. The test must be taken no more than three days before departure. This applies regardless of a traveler’s vaccination status.