Twitter deletes claim minimizing coronavirus death toll, which Trump retweeted – The Washington Post

The rest were people who “had 2-3 other serious illnesses,” said the tweet, which has since been replaced with a message saying it “is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules.” A Twitter spokesperson said the tweet violated the company’s coronavirus misinformation policy.

The claim appears to be a reference to the CDC’s Wednesday update to its death data and resources page, which noted that in 6 percent of reported deaths, covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, “was the only cause mentioned.”

However, that does not mean only 6 percent of reported deaths are attributed to the virus — it means 94 percent of people had at least one additional factor contributing to their deaths. In addition, the information is no secret addendum: It’s been on the CDC site since at least May.

The president also retweeted a link to an article by far-right Gateway Pundit — which remains on his page — containing the “Mel Q” tweet and using the 6 percent figure to attack members of Trump’s own coronavirus task force.

“So let’s get this straight — based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths due entirely to the China coronavirus?” said the article, referring to top U.S. infectious-disease expert Anthony S. Fauci and White House coronavirus task force coordinator Deborah Birx.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany justified Trump’s retweet as purely informative in her Monday press briefing.

“He was highlighting new CDC information that came out that was worth noting,” she said, without acknowledging a question about whether he was attempting to downplay the country’s death toll.

A representative for the agency did not immediately respond to questions about Trump’s retweet.

“Comorbidities” reported by the CDC include heart disease, obesity, diabetes and hypertension — conditions that can make a person more vulnerable to the virus. Each would be listed on a person’s death certificate, along with covid-19. Death certificates may also list sepsis, respiratory arrest, kidney failure or other conditions as the immediate cause of death, but those are caused by the infection. The virus remains the reason that they died, said Nasia Safdar, an infectious-disease professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

“We know that most people with covid have some other underlying condition, which increases their risk of dying from covid and getting covid in the first place,” she said.

The CDC update provides a compilation of data on comorbidities, showing what other conditions are present in people who die of the coronavirus and helping reveal who might be most at risk. But it isn’t a departure from what the health agency or public health experts have said in the past. The CDC has said for months that people with underlying health issues are at greater risk of developing serious symptoms from the coronavirus.

“When you see that ‘only 6%’ of people had COVID-19 as the sole reason listed on their death forms, what it means is that there were only a small fraction of people who died of the disease who didn’t have any other underlying or immediate causes noted by the medical certifiers,” Australian epidemiologist Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz wrote in a post on Medium. “This is completely unsurprising, as it’s pretty rare that someone wouldn’t have at least one issue caused by coronavirus prior to their death, and all it means is that in 94% of cases people who had COVID-19 also developed other issues, or had other problems at the same time.”

Conspiracy theories and misinformation have been a persistent problem amid the coronavirus pandemic, causing alarm among public health experts. Safdar noted that once a false claim “gets out there, it goes on like wildfire.”

“It seems like almost anything can be twisted to fit a particular message that one wants to deliver,” she said. “Even facts that, on the face of it, seem quite clear and incontrovertible.”

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