Tory Lanez might be on a good luck streak in Vegas — he’s still partying there after a run-in-with the law … over marijuana TSA allegedly found in his bag.
TMZ has learned Tory was stopped Sunday morning in the Las Vegas airport — where he was attempting to board a flight outta town — and according to law enforcement sources … a TSA agent found a “large” amount of ganja in one of his bags.
We’re told TSA temporarily detained him, but eventually let him go … without the stash, of course. The feds are holding that. While marijuana is legal in Nevada, it’s still not legal federally … and that means ya can’t fly with it.
Tory’s not letting that little hiccup with the law ruin his weekend. Since he probably missed his outgoing flight, he’s turned this into a biz opportunity … and now he’ll be onstage Sunday night for a performance at Drai’s.
If he wants to get high beforehand, someone’s gonna have to puff puff give … ’cause Tory ain’t got it!
As for any further legal consequences — our sources say there is an ongoing investigation, so it’s possible he could be cited … but, the reality is the feds aren’t prosecuting many minor marijuana offenses these days.