GOP attacks Sesame Streets Big Bird for promoting COVID vaccine: “Brainwashing children!” – Salon

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and other right-wingers lashed out at “Big Bird” on Saturday after the Sesame Street character’s Twitter account advocated getting vaccinated for COVID-19.

“I got the COVID-19 vaccine today!” Big Bird wrote Saturday morning. “My wing is a little sore, but it’ll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy.”

“Ms. @EricaRHill even said I’ve been getting vaccines since I was a little bird. I had no idea!” Big Bird added, referring to CNN journalist Erica Hill, who hosted a Town Hall with Big Bird called “The ABCs of COVID Vaccines.”

Cruz responded by writing above Big Bird’s tweet, “Government propaganda…for your 5 year old!”

Steve Cortes, a Newsmax host, went a step further.

“This kind of propaganda is actually evil,” Cortes wrote. “Your children are not statistically at risk, and should not be pressured into a brand new treatment. Do Not Comply!”

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Fox News’ Lisa Marie Boothe accused Big Bird of “brainwashing children who are not at risk from COVID.”

“Twisted,” Marie Boothe wrote.

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