The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscope On Monday, April 18, 2022 – YourTango

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on April 18, 2022, feel what’s happening in astrology — magical healing that sets the foundation for the future.

For Pisces, Virgo, and Sagittarius zodiac signs, today brings a continually active astrological energy causing you to have an electrifying moment of sudden awareness.

After some time where you have been lovingly guided by the universe to see greater truths in your own life, today offers a chance at having your eyes finally open to a truth that you have been reluctant to acknowledge.  

But it also brings spontaneity and excitement. There is only so long that you can talk about doing something before you do it.  

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An early morning alliance between Mercury and Uranus and then Venus and Uranus bring a sense of shock and awe. There will be an unexpected conversation that spurs an entirely new way of thinking about an old situation or even a sudden awareness of yourself and what has been truly motivating you lately.  

Uranus is the planet of unexpected changes so it is likely that what develops today will be part of a bigger theme that plays out for the next few weeks until the Eclipse in Taurus at the end of the month.  

Venus is all about relationships, so while there will be a spotlight of attention thrown onto them it is important to remain open to whatever comes up today because it holds greater meaning. Later in the day the moon shifts into Sagittarius and forms peaceful connections with Neptune and Jupiter, helping you feel more relaxed and able to think through whatever surfaced earlier in the day.  

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The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Monday, April 18, 2022:

Whatever comes up, just be open to it because the truth always arrives right on time.  

1. Pisces

(February 19 – March 20)

It seems that this time even after your birthday season is filled with more change and movement because of the number of planets currently moving through your zodiac sign. Today you have the ongoing union of Jupiter and Neptune in your sign as well as Venus in Pisces connecting with Uranus, the planet of change.

While the rare connection between Jupiter and Neptune was set to affect everyone, it will have the strongest influence on you. Its purpose is to bring greater abundance into your life through you realizing the power of your dreams and intuition.

At times you give your own power away by thinking that you are just like everyone else or doubting the abilities that you seem to have naturally. One of these is not just unconditional love but also forgiveness. This aspect lets you continually move forward trusting the steps that you take and not carrying the past into the future you are trying to create.

Today could bring an incredible moment of creativity in terms of a new or ongoing project. It is something that will affect others far outside of your immediate circle and one that will have positive effects on the rest of your life. Be mindful of anything that comes across your path today because it is just the sign that you have been waiting for.  

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2. Virgo

(August 23 – September 22) 

Pisces is your opposite sign which means that whenever there is a great deal of this energy at play you notice it most in a relationship with other people. Today’s energy will bring clarity to how the relationships you have chosen have shaped your life and your path.

There likely will be healing taking place as well as the realization that you played as much a part in different dynamics as you have told others they have.

But it is also about what new opportunity is coming in for you. Whether it is a brand-new romantic relationship, a great new platonic friend, or even the healing that comes from our family dynamics, today brings the hope of a fresh start.

The energy of Venus in Pisces is really working with you to try to help you see where certain beliefs or hurts have held you back from having what it is you say you want. Honor your own self first and that means making sure that you forgive yourself for everything that you have had to do to get where you are. When you extend forgiveness to yourself and your relationships you allow them to no longer continue in the same pattern which means now you are free to finally move on.  

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21) 

Jupiter is your ruling planet, which means other than Pisces, you will be feeling the effects of the connection between it and Neptune the most strongly. Pisces rules your home and family environment, which means that not only are changes coming to this part of your life but you are also going to be seeing changes here as well.

Today with Venus in Pisces crossing paths with Uranus in Taurus it brings up the themes of healthiness and family. You could receive a big breakthrough in what you thought had been a healthy childhood or even in the family situation that you currently have.

This could lead you to see things differently, but in an incredibly positive way. When you finally see the truth of your own life and those that you have chosen to share a home or family with, you finally see the big picture. This is what you crave to do as a Sag yet sometimes that aspect of the truth frightens you because it is the one thing that can never be debated.

As you move through the day, with the moon moving into your sign, expect your emotions to be high which will help you move through whatever arises for you. You can either look at life as something that terrifies you if the truth comes out, or that it will set you free. Only one path will allow you to move into the future that you know is meant for you though.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love.

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