Sandra Bullocks idea for an on-screen reunion with Keanu Reeves is pure excellence – CNN

Speaking to
Esquire magazine for a profile on her “Speed” co-star, Bullock said she’d “love nothing more than to do a comedy with Keanu before we both die.” (Grim, but OK.)

“He’s funny. We can be seventy-fiveā€”it’ll be even better then, like an old-people ‘Cocoon’ thing,” she told the publication. “We play two funny old people. A road trip. Just put us in an RV as old people. It’ll be the bookend of ‘Speed’! We’ll just be driving really slowly. Pissing the world off. There’s our movie.”

Keanu Reeves not touching women is a thing Keanu Reeves not touching women is a thing

While waiting 18 years for this to happen doesn’t sound appealing, the spirit of the idea is solid. Hollywood, your move.

Elsewhere in the profile, by writer Ryan D’Agostino, Bullock recounted working with the
“Matrix” actor on the iconic action movie in the early 90s and the bond they shared after. (In 2006, they’d star together again in “The Lake House.”) Though they were never romantically involved, she said, Reeves was and remains and uniquely thoughtful person.

She told one story about offhandedly mentioning in a conversation with Reeves that’d she’d never had Champagne and truffles, only to have him show up at her door days later with flowers, Champagne and truffles.

“That’s what I mean that it drives you crazy,” Bullock told the magazine. “When I first met him, I would spend as much time as I could filling a silence, just to feel comfortable. And the more I jibber-jabbered on, the quieter he would get. And I thought, I don’t understand what’s happening! He’s looking at me with eyes of confusion. He’s quiet. Did I say something to offend him? And then a day or two later, he would arrive with a note or a little package, saying, ‘I thought about what you said.’ And he would have his response.”

She added: “How many people do you know like that?”

One, Sandra. And the Internet would say, he’s