More Marvel prequels could be on the way, says Kevin Feige – The A.V. Club

Kevin Feige and Scarlett Johansson

Kevin Feige and Scarlett Johansson
Photo: Chris Delmas (AFP via Getty Images)

Following Avengers: Endgame, which saw the culmination of the MCU as a time heist through previous movies, Marvel Studios seems intensely interested in the past and changing it. In addition to the company’s latest prequel, Black Widow, Marvel also has the time jumper TV show Loki, and The Eternals, a movie that seemingly encompasses all of history, making it a prequel not just to every MCU entry, but every movie ever made.

But apparently, per Slashfilm, a little timeline mischief isn’t all the company has in store. During a press conference for the upcoming Black Widow, studio head Kevin Feige gave a dire warning: more potential prequels are in the chamber. “Certainly this film and this story is a particular case for for Natasha,” said Feige. “But the notion of exploring the past, present, and future of the MCU is certainly in the cards for all of our characters. This particular story of this particular cast is very personal, very specific to Natasha.”

If they’re going to make a prequel to anything, it should be Iron Man 3. As far as anyone knows, the Iron Man movies jumped from Iron Man to Iron Man 3. As much as we all love the loose numbering system of Apple products, it just didn’t make that much sense for Iron Man movies. Why didn’t they ever make an Iron Man 2? We kid, of course. How could anyone forget Tony Stark taking a leak in the Iron Man suit?

As for the prequel business, it probably depends on the success of Black Widow or the failure of any of the company’s upcoming releases to determine how many characters they’ll pull out of storage. Maybe they’ll even do a Hulk movie again. In the meantime, we’ll have a chance to see how Marvel does prequels when Black Widow debuts on July 9.