Latest Wheel of Fortune disaster has fans screaming at the TV – New York Post

Continuing a long series of controversial on air moments, Tuesday night’s “Wheel of Fortune” episode has social media watchdogs barking about the show’s “dumbest moment ever.”

The frustrating episode featured three contestants taking a whopping eight turns and 10 attempts to solve the puzzle: “Another feather _n yo_r _a_” 

While the correct answer was simply “Another feather in your cap,” the players took several tries to get there — and it left viewers very frustrated.

Possibly bad game player Laura Machado had three guesses to win as host Pat Sajak and legendary letter-tuner Vanna White looked on. However, Machado’s maddening wrong answers included: “Another feather in your hat,” “Another feather in your lap” and “Another feather in your map.”

Meanwhile, fellow contestant Christopher Coleman didn’t guess any of the correct letters and landed on Bankrupt when he twirled TV’s most infamous wheel.

Thomas Lipscomb also scored a Bankrupt and Lose a Turn for his first two times in the hot seat. But on his third try, he guessed “C” and correctly solved the phrase.

Of course, Twitter has its thoughts — with fans and viewers venting their vexation over the game into the digital abyss.

“Hey if you feel like screaming at the TV in agony and want to throw something at your screen round 2 of tonight’s ‘Wheel of Fortune’ is *perfect* for you,” one outraged viewer griped on Twitter.

“Frozen” actor Josh Gad also gave his two cents, tweeting, “God help us all.”

“I’d like to solve… ANOTHER FEATHER IN EVERYTHING BUT YOUR CAP. Thank you, Wheel, for not editing out 6 of these 8 lost turns in a row like you normally would. #WheelofFortune,” someone chimed in.

Another viewer noted, “I have never been on an emotional roller coaster like this while watching ‘Wheel of Fortune.’ “

One even suggested that the game “should have ended this ‘Wheel of Fortune’ episode with no winner.”

“Tonight’s Wheel of Fortune. I can’t. That round was brutal,” another added, alongside a meme of Jesus talking on the phone with the hilarious subtext “start the rapture.”

One joked, “‘Wheel of fortune’ was WILD today [and] yes I realize this tweet sounds like I’m 87 years old.”

“The dumbest two minutes in Wheel of Fortune history,” a fan simply stated.

“A woman on Wheel of Fortune got this puzzle wrong three times. I’m yelling at the television like I’m watching a football game,” someone quipped.

“The woman on Wheel of Fortune got not one but TWO chances to solve this. First time, she said “…in your LAP.” Second time, she said “MAP.” I am in utter disbelief. #WheelOfFortune,” another Twitter user sniped.
