Larimer County Public Health Order Requiring Masks in Public Indoor Spaces – Larimer County

Each person in Larimer County must wear a Face Covering whenever entering or within any Public Indoor Space that is not that person’s Residence, or while using the services of any taxi, bus, train, car service, ride-sharing or similar service per the Requirement for Face Masks on Public Transportation Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs issued by the CDC. 

“Public Indoor Space,” as used in this Order, means any enclosed indoor area that is publicly or privately owned, managed, or operated to which individuals have access by right or by invitation, expressed or implied, or that is accessible to the public, serves as a place of employment, or is an entity providing services. Public Indoor Spaces include all enclosed indoor areas except for a person’s Residence. 

“Residence,” as used in this Order, means the real property upon which an individual resides with other members of their household, including a room in a motel or hotel or a residential room for students at an education facility. Residence does not include any common areas that may be used by multiple households. Residence also includes a motor vehicle when being used for personal use by an individual or their same household.

“Face Covering” means a covering that meets the following criteria;

  • A properly worn mask that completely covers the nose and mouth.

  • Cloth masks should be made with two or more layers of a breathable fabric that is tightly woven (i.e., fabrics that do not let light pass through when held up to a light source).

  • Mask should be secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands that go behind the head. If gaiters are worn, they should have two layers of fabric or be folded to make two layers.

  • Mask should fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face.

  • Mask should be a solid piece of material without slits, exhalation valves, or punctures.

Note that any mask that incorporates a one-way valve that is designed to facilitate easy exhaling, bandanas, scarves, pulled up shirt collars, fabrics that let light pass through, face shields or goggles, or masks that do not fit properly are not considered a Face Covering under this Order and is not to be used to comply with this Order’s requirements.

The order does not require any child aged two (2) years or younger to wear a Face Covering. In addition, masks do not need to be worn in the following situations:

  • Individuals who cannot medically tolerate a face covering;

  • Individuals who are hearing impaired or otherwise disabled or who are communicating with someone who is hearing impaired or otherwise disabled and where the ability to see the mouth is essential to communication; 

  • Individuals who are seated at a food service establishment or actively eating or drinking;

  • Individuals who are asked to temporarily remove their Face Covering for identification purposes in furtherance of a particular service requiring legal identification;

  • Individuals who are actively engaged in a public safety role such as law enforcement personnel, firefighters, or emergency medical personnel; 

  • Individuals who are actively engaged in a performing arts performance, leading religious services, or engaged in other similar activities, so long as the individual maintains at least twelve (12) feet distance from non-household members indoors; 

  • Individuals who are receiving a personal, religious, or medical service where the temporary removal of a Face Covering is necessary to perform the service; 

  • Individuals who are alone in an enclosed room or only with members of their same household in an enclosed room; 

  • Individuals who are in a swimming pool and actively engaged in a pool activity in which their Face Covering might become wet;

  • Individuals inside an Approved Vaccine Verified Facility that has obtained explicit approval from LCDHE for an exception to this order.

Face Mask Required

Businesses are required to post signage. The following can be used or a business may create their own signs.

Face Mask Required Sign for Businesses    Face Mask Required Sign for Businesses in Spanish