‘I can’t get over Archie’s red hair’: Fans react to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s family portrait – The Independent

Fans of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have described the couple’s first family photograph featuring their baby daughter, Lilibet, as “simply beautiful”.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released a new portrait in celebration of Christmas on Thursday, 23 December.

The photograph, taken by Alexi Lubomirski, showed the family of four dressed in jeans and sitting on the steps outside their home in Santa Barbara.

Archie, 2, sits on his father’s lap as the couple smile at six-month-old Lili, who Meghan is holding in the air.

“Happy Holidays. This year, 2021, we welcomed our daughter, Lilibet, to the world. Archie made us a ‘Mama’ and a ‘Papa’, and Lili made us a family,” the holiday card said.

The portrait is the first public picture of Lilibet since she was born in June. Archie briefly appeared in Prince Harry’s Apple TV+ documentary, The Me You Can’t See, earlier this year.

On social media, fans noted Archie’s red hair, which is like his father’s.

One Twitter used said his hair had “overshadowed everyone” in the portrait, “including his sister’s debut”.

“I can’t get over Archie’s curly red hair and Lili’s smile I cannot!” another user said.

A third person wrote: “My God, this is such a lovely picture. HRH Prince Harry genes are strong, Duchess Meghan is just stunning. Master Archie with red hair and playful disposition, and Lady Lilibet with a smile that brings joy to the world. Love this family and their purpose.”

“Look at Lili! Look at my red head Archie! Beautiful! Simply Beautiful!” another said.

Others also pointed out the resemblance between Lili and Archie as a baby.

Sharing a side-by-side comparison of both children, one person said: “Baby Lili is a mini baby Archie [oh my god].”

“Baby Lili is a baby Archie! They’re so similar. They’re the perfect mix of [Harry] and [Meghan],” another said.