Horoscope for the Week of February 6, 2022, Weekly Horoscope – Cosmopolitan.com

Overview: Are you open to surprise? On Monday, Uranus forms a trine with both Venus and Mars in Capricorn help us stay open to the possibility of possibility. Isn’t that freedom? Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is the moment to turn towards the tough conversation you’ve been meaning to have. Keep it calm, grounded, and clear for amazing results!

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


You too can want stability, Aries! Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars helps you understand why you want reliability, safety, and consistency—along with the people who might give it to you. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction in your career sector wants you to have a tough conversation about power, value, and mutuality at the workplace.


Have faith, Taurus! You’re a sign that likes to keep it grounded and real as real can be—and the Uranus trine with Venus and Mars on Monday wants you to experiment with vision, optimism, and faith to take that even higher. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction in your wisdom zone helps identify the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.


It’s time to let go, Gemini. The truth is revealed about a situation and/or person during Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars, so you’ll be thinking about what needs to be surrendered, completed, and released. The Mercury-Pluto conjunction on Friday wants you to talk about something intimacy related. Keep it sexy, honest, and vulnerable for powerful results.


Was it an expectation or an agreement, Cancer? Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars helps you find the difference between non-verbalized, unmet expectations and clear, mutually-discussed agreements. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction inspires you to take a risk in order to understand trust.


Zoom in on the details at work, Leo! Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars helps you find the meaning in the micro: There’s no such thing as small stuff! It’s all big and important. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction encourages a practices that cultivates more calm, mindfulness, and healthier habit formation.


Get out of your own way, Virgo! Uranus’ trine with Mars and Venus helps you realize the only thing holding you back…is you. It can be as simple and powerful as a perspective shift in order to move you forward. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction gives you a boost of confidence as you apply this newfound radical responsibility and see how quickly it works for you!


Share your feels, Libra. Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars helps you name, normalize, and speak a feeling you need to share. Yes, it’ll be vulnerable, but it’ll make your life even more intimate and even sexy. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction continues the work regulating self-protection and turning towards more meaningful emotional self-disclosure.


Use your words, Scorpio. Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars wants you to communicate to yourself and others exactly why you do or don’t trust someone. The more specific you can be, the better. You can do it! Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction helps you regulate a fear you have around communication, vulnerability, and being seen/known.


Does your money move towards your values, Sag? Uranus’ trine with Venus and Mars helps you understand that your money ought to move towards the directions of your highest values and commitments. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction wants you to cross reference which behaviors support your ideals.


Courage, thy name is Capricorn! Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars in your sign help you share a hope, fear, feeling, and/or desire with someone who genuinely needs to hear it. Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction in your sign is an accelerated crash course in shadow work. You’re imperfect and still worthy of love, success, and joy.


Happy Birthday, Aquarius! Monday’s Uranus trine with Venus and Mars wants you to let go of a habit, pattern, and/or behavior that trips you up emotionally. You deserve to feel more at peace within yourself! Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction continues this work and gives you a powerful moment of closure where you need it.


Check in on your friends, Pisces! Uranus’ trine with Venus and Mars has you coming up for air and checking in on your loved ones. They miss you and you miss them! Friday’s Mercury-Pluto conjunction inspires greater empathy and boundaries between you and your friends.

Colin Bedell

Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design.

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