Hair loss treatment – the best fruit to lower your risk of alopecia and boost hair growth – Express

Losing your hair could be caused by a number of different conditions, said the NHS.

Stress, weight loss, or even an iron deficiency can lead to some form of hair loss.

But, there are some home treatments you can use that might help to prevent some types of hair loss, including alopecia.

One of the easiest ways to stimulate hair growth at home is to add more avocado to your diet, it’s been claimed.

READ MORE: Hair loss treatment – the supplements proven to prevent hair thinning

“Although you can’t change factors like age and genetics, diet is one thing you have control over,” Raman wrote for medical website Healthline.

“Eating a balanced diet with the right nutrients can help promote hair growth, especially if you’re experiencing hair loss due to poor nutrition.

“Avocados are delicious, nutritious and a great source of healthy fats. They are also an excellent source of vitamin E, which may promote hair growth.

“Vitamin E also protects areas of the skin, like the scalp, from oxidative stress and damage. Damaged skin on the scalp can result in poor hair quality and fewer hair follicles.”

Meanwhile, you could also protect against hair loss by eating more sweet potato, he added.

Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene, which is subsequently converted into vitamin A.

Vitamin A promotes the production of sebum, which is crucial to keeping your hair healthy.

It has also been claimed to speed up the rate of hair growth, while encouraging thicker hair.

Losing your hair isn’t necessarily something to be worried about.

But, on rare occasions, it could be a tell-tale sign of another medical condition.

You should speak to a doctor if you suddenly start losing your hair, or if you develop bald patches.

There are other treatments for hair loss – including transplants – but they aren’t available on the NHS, and you’ll need to pay for them.

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