David Fincher signs a four-year exclusivity deal with Netflix – Engadget

For the time being, David Fincher is a Netflix man. Speaking with French magazine Premiere, the director revealed that he’s signed an “exclusive contract with them for another four years.” [Note: The report was originally written in French, but we’re confident in Google’s translation.] It’s an obvious step in the pair’s growing relationship. Fincher was an executive producer on House of Cards, Netflix’s first breakout hit, and directed the first two episodes. He then moved onto the critically-acclaimed Mindhunter and, last year, was involved in the animated anthology series Love, Death & Robots. His next movie, a biopic called Mank, hits theaters tomorrow and Netflix on November 13th.

The last time Fincher worked on something that wasn’t Netflix related was Gone Girl. Before that, the director had made a name for himself with The Social Network, Zodiac, Fight Club and Seven, among others.

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