COVID-19 Statistics | Jan. 4, 2021 – Lost Coast Outpost

Press release from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:

An additional 147 cases of COVID-19 have been reported since the most recent report Thursday. A previously reported case was determined to be a duplicate, so the total number of Humboldt County residents who have tested positive now stands at 1,910. 

Given the recent increase in local cases, Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman shared information about best practices for people who test positive and those who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. “If you test positive, follow isolation procedures. Stay home, and contact the Joint Information Center. The guidance is that simple,” he said. “Isolating from others, including people you live with, is the best way to stop the chain of transmission and keep your friends and loved ones safe.”  

Quarantine is meant for people who have not tested positive but have been identified as a close contact of a person known to be positive for COVID-19. A close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of a COVID-positive person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.  

“If you were notified by a medical professional or someone you know that you are a close contact, follow quarantine guidelines, and stay home for a minimum of 10 days from the time of exposure,” Dr. Hoffman said, adding that quarantining for 14 days is still the safest option to prevent exposure. “Do not get retested. It puts health care workers at risk, and a negative test result has no impact on the duration of your quarantine.” 

Learn more about home isolation and quarantine at

For the most recent COVID-19 information, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours by contacting or calling the Joint Information Center at 707-441-5000.

Local COVID-19 vaccine information:
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard:
Follow us on Facebook: @HumCoCOVID19
Instagram: @HumCoCOVID19
Twitter: @HumCoCOVID19
Humboldt Health Alert: 


= historic data. All data from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center.

Data from CalREDIE. Zip codes not listed have experienced five cases or fewer. Zip code populations from the American Community Survey, 2018.

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