Coronavirus pandemic tearing through Latino communities – and it may get worse – USA TODAY

The coronavirus’ continued rampage through the southern and western United States is almost certain to leave an especially deadly trail among Latinos, who not only represent a significant percentage of the population in those regions but often face structural conditions that make them more vulnerable.

A new study published Thursday, the first nationwide analysis of COVID-19 cases and deaths among Latinos, concludes that crowded housing arrangements and high-risk jobs in industries like meatpacking, poultry and hospitality are among the major reasons Latinos have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

“We had some structural challenges that were there before the pandemic,” said Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz, the study’s lead author, “and the pandemic is highlighting those problems.’’

Looking at the data available through May 11, the study found Latinos accounted for a much higher number of COVID-19 cases than their percentage of the population in the Northeast, Midwest and West. On a national basis, reports cited by the study indicated Latinos accounted for 33% of the cases even though they make up just under 18% of the population.

A New York Times analysis based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – released after a lawsuit was filed – shows 73 of every 10,000 Latinos contracted the virus, compared to 62 Blacks and 23 whites.

As the virus extracts a heavy toll on California, Texas and Florida – the three states with the largest Latino populations – the death count among the country’s biggest minority group could be staggering.

“My prediction is that it’s very likely because the policies and practices that are needed to prevent infections and deaths are not in place,’’ said Rodriguez-Diaz, who’s an associate professor of prevention and community health at George Washington University. “There is nothing that gives us hope that it would be different.’’

A boy receives a free COVID-19 test at a St. Johns Well Child & Family Center mobile clinic set up outside Walker Temple AME Church in South Los Angeles amid the coronavirus pandemic on July 15, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. A clinic official said most of the residents they are currently testing in their South L.A. clinics are Latinos. According to the California Department of Health, Latinos are currently 2.9 times more likely than white people to test positive for the coronavirus. California reported over 11,000 new coronavirus infections today, the most in the state in a single day since the pandemic began.

Rodriguez-Diaz and his colleagues found other factors that contribute to putting Latinos at increased risk of developing COVID-19, like a lack of access to health care and living in areas with high levels of air pollution, especially in the Northeast.

One of the study’s most surprising findings was the Midwest, where only 4% of the counties are predominantly Latino, was the one region where their coronavirus-related deaths were higher than their representation.

“We found access to health care was harder in the Midwest, so it’s very likely people only accessed care when they felt really bad, and as the disease progresses it gets more difficult to manage,’’ Rodriguez-Diaz said. “There’s also the fact they need to continue working.’’

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And often in unsafe jobs. According to the CDC, 87% of the workers at meatpacking plants – where social distancing is extremely difficult – are minorities, more than half of them Latinos. Through the end of May, there had been more than 16,000 infections and 86 worker deaths at those facilities, the CDC said.

Large plants in South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota had to close because of outbreaks.

John Mckiernan-Gonzalez, an expert on public health and Latino social movements who teaches history at Texas State University, was not taken aback by the high incidence of Latino mortality due to COVID-19 in the Midwest.

“In Midwest counties, they’re being recruited by meatpackers and living in really crowded conditions,’’ Mckiernan-Gonzalez said.

He has observed a somewhat similar phenomenon in his home city of Austin, where mostly Latino construction workers have contracted the virus at a high rate. In his own neighborhood, Mckiernan-Gonzalez said he noticed a house meant for five to seven people is home to as many as three families, with perhaps 12 of them construction workers.

Deacon Jose Garza presides over the burial service for Mark Anthony Urquiza at Holy Cross Cemetery in Avondale, Ariz. on July 8, 2020. Urquiza of Phoenix, died June 30, of COVID-19. He was 65.

Construction jobs often don’t include health insurance or sick days, prompting employees to go to work when they’re ill. Living in close quarters, one infection could quickly spread. Another consideration: Undocumented Latinos may be reluctant to seek health care for fear of being discovered and deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, making it even more likely they could unwittingly transmit the virus.

Rodriguez-Diaz said organizations in Latino communities need more resources so they can provide information on prevention and access to care to help stem the pandemic. Mckiernan-Gonzalez said the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) should establish COVID guidelines for employers.

Moreover, Mckiernan-Gonzalez said there needs to be an outreach to the communities of color that have been so harshly impacted by the virus so they feel like part of the group effort to curb the spread.

“It would help to have hospital directors, mayors, churchgoers coming out and saying, ‘If you have COVID-19, it isn’t just you who has it, it’s a whole community. So please come into the hospital and get treated so you don’t pass it on to other people. We’ll make sure you will be safe in the hospital,’ Mckiernan-Gonzalez said. “That should be made clear every time, that in pandemic times we can’t have ICE lurking in the hallways in hospitals.’’

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