Turns out I wasn’t dying of covid-19 after all. I was using my pulse oximeter the wrong way. – The Washington Post
Joanna, in her third trimester of pregnancy at the time, lives in New York and had bought the device — about the size of a Matchbox car — for her and her husband so they could be fortified with information before they checked into the hospital for the arrival in early June of their daughter.
But I was game, too: I enjoy these kinds of tests because I am a sucker for ways to measure my fitness against anyone else’s.
Also, we had been in Indonesia and Japan in February, squeezing some travel before we realized the enormity of the coronavirus pandemic. After we returned from Asia, I drove to Upstate New York for a six-day visit with my 89-year-old mother. We hugged, we kissed, we went out to restaurants, shops, grocery stores. Back in Washington, D.C., I went swimming at Wilson High Scho...