Britney Spears dad wants prompt payment to his lawyers – Insider

  • Jamie Spears is asking the court for “prompt payment” for his lawyers from Britney Spears’s estate.
  • He was suspended as her conservator in September. 
  • Spears’s entire conservatorship was terminated in November. 

Jamie Spears wants Britney Spears’s estate to continue paying his attorneys, according to new court filings.

Jamie, the pop star’s father, was suspended from her conservatorship in September.

He has now asked for the court’s “confirmation, authorization, and direction” for Spears’s estate to pay attorneys who are “participating in proceedings concerning Jamie’s ongoing


duties relating to winding up” the conservatorship.

Spears has paid for her father’s attorneys throughout the conservatorship that began in 2008. Before it was terminated, the conservatorship controlled Spears’s estate, financial assets, and parts of her personal life.

In the court filing, attorneys for Jamie Spears said his financial obligations did not end when his conservatorship role was suspended and that his suspension “does not excuse him from participating in the proceedings to wind up the Conservatorship or negate the requirement that his attorneys’ fees must be paid from Britney’s estate.”

“The need to immediately and effectively wind up the Conservatorship and transfer the Estate to Britney and her representatives requires prompt payment of Jamie’s attorneys’ fees from the Estate on the same terms as the other parties to these proceedings,” the filing said. 

Britney Spears has previously accused her father of abusing his role in her conservatorship. 

“I’m here to get rid of my dad and charge him with conservatorship abuse,” she told the court via phone, during a July hearing.

In the filing, lawyers for Jamie Spears maintained that there were “no claims, allegations, or lawsuits pending” against him, and added any “claims” that do exist are “media headlines and rhetoric concocted by Britney’s current counsel,” but are not evidence. 

“There is no teeth to the allegations and charges asserted by Britney’s handlers, counsel, and supposed allies regarding Jamie’s administration of her Estate. Jamie dedicated his life to protecting his daughter and her estate, and no one can point to any wrongdoing regarding his administration of the Estate because no findings have ever been made against him,” the filing said. 

The pop-star’s conservatorship was terminated completely in November. 

“Mr. Spears reaped many millions of dollars from Britney as a conservator, while paying his lawyers many millions more, all from his daughter’s work and hard-earned money,” Britney Spears’s attorney Mathew Rosengart said in a statement to Insider. “The conservatorship has been terminated and Mr. Spears was suspended ignominiously.”

“Under the circumstances, his petition is not only legally meritless, it is an abomination,” Rosengart continued. “Britney poignantly testified about the pain her father caused her and this only adds to it. This is not what a father who loves his daughter does.”

An attorney for Jamie Spears could not immediately be reached for comment.