Breakthrough on Alzheimer’s cure as jab found to restore memory – for just £15 a dose – The Mirror

Experiments on mice found the new vaccine destroys rogue proteins in the brain and, in doing so, restores memory – for just £15 a dose

MRI image of a healthy brain (L) and an Alzheimer's brain (R)
The pioneering therapy could revolutionise treatment (

Image: University of Cambridge/AFP via)

A vaccine that could reverse and even prevent Alzheimer’s – for just £15 a dose.

Experiments on mice found the vaccine destroys rogue proteins in the brain and, in doing so, restores memory.

The pioneering therapy could revolutionise treatment, according to British and German scientists.

Clinical trials on the technique, which targets soluble and highly toxic ­fragments of amyloid beta that clump into plaques, could begin in two years.

Professor Thomas Bayer, of Gottingen University in Germany, who is co-author of the study, said: “In clinical trials, none of the potential treatments have shown much success in terms of reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms. Some have even shown negative side effects. So we decided on a different approach.

“We identified an antibody in mice that would neutralise the truncated forms of soluble amyloid beta, but
would not bind either to normal forms of the protein or to the plaques.”

The results have been described as “transformative”


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The team next adapted the antibody, called TAP01, so our immune system would not recognise it as foreign. To their surprise, the protein folded back on itself.

In tests, both the antibody and the engineered vaccine repaired the brain’s neuron function and increased glucose metabolism in the brain, bringing back the memories of the mice.

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Co-author Professor Mark Carr, of Leicester University, said: “If these results were replicated in human trials, then it could be transformative.

“It opens up the possibility to not only treat Alzheimer’s but also to potentially vaccinate against the disease before the symptoms appear.”

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