Coronavirus questions we havent answered, six months later – CNET
On Dec. 20, 2019, a 61-year-old man from Wuhan, China, presented to the Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital with a fever and a strong cough. He'd previously been diagnosed with chronic liver disease but was exhibiting a new, pneumonialike illness. The cause was unknown. Over the next week, his respiratory distress worsened. He was placed on mechanical ventilation on Dec. 29, but died on Jan. 9, 2020.
He was the first recorded death in the COVID-19 pandemic. On the same day, CNET reported on a "mystery illness" that had infected dozens of citizens in Wuhan, a city of over 11 million people. The patients were sick with pneumonia-like symptoms: Their lungs filled with fluid, and their temperatures soared. On Jan. 20, the first coronavirus case was recorded in the US.
Six months later, the coronavir...