AEW Dynamite Results: Minoru Suzuki Vs. Jon Moxley, Ruby Soho In Action – Wrestling Inc.

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.’s live coverage of AEW Dynamite, beginning at 8 pm ET from the Fifth Third Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio. Let others know about our coverage by giving this page a quick retweet or share on social media.

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– Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Taz on commentary. Excalibur is off as he’s getting married in a few days.

Dustin Rhodes vs. Malakai Black

Dustin swings away right as the bell start, inverted atomic drop, kick to the face, and more punches in the corner. Dustin with a release german suplex, elbow drop, and sends Black out to the floor. Dustin  and Black battle near the timekeeper’s table and Dustin takes a back suplex right through it. Black heads back into the ring and takes off the top turnbuckle pad.

Black continues to beat up Dustin, gets him in the ring, locks in a heel hook until Dustin gets to the ropes. Dustin is trying to fight back, but Black keeps chopping him down at the leg. Crowd fairly split for this one. Back and forth shots in the middle of the ring, Dustin with a running lariat, drops down and pops Black in the face, spinning powerslam, cover, two. Dustin with punches in the corner, Black slips out and kicks Dustin right in the back of the knee, sending him crashing to the mat. Running knee strike by Black, cover, two.

Black goes under the ring and brings out Cody Rhodes’ boot that he left in the ring a couple weeks ago after Black destroyed Cody. He throws the boot to Dustin and smiles. Dustin gets back up and throws some strikes to the midsection and hits a code red, pin, two-count. Dustin tries for a bulldog, no, Black with a sweep kick, sending Dustin face-first into the exposed turnbuckle. Wheel kick by Black (actually hit Dustin in the shoulder), cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Malakai Black via Pinfall

– Lucha Brothers show off their new tag titles after beating Young Bucks at All Out. Penta says the title cost them blood, sweat, and tears…anyone who is willing to suffer can try and take them away from the champs.

– Eddie Kingston talks about his All Out match against AEW TNT Champion Miro. He said they went at it like two men at first, but then Miro had to use a lowblow to help him get the victory. Miro mentions his bride again and says he’ll offer up Kingston’s broken bones to his God.

– CM Punk comes out to the ring to talk about his All Out match and his future. Punk gets right on the mic and thanks Darby Allin, Sting, and the fans for what happened over the weekend. He said he wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but it was like riding a violent bike, and he’s back on the bike. Crowd with a “you still got it” chant. Punk uses that to hype up tonight’s main event between Moxley and Suzuki. “Moxley” chant breaks out. Punk points out Aunt Linda (the woman who raised Brian Pillman Jr.) and crowd with a “Linda!” chant. Punk gives a shout out to Ruby Soho, Adam Cole, and Bryan Danielson for showing up at the PPV.

Punk mentions the first person he texted after his match was his wife. She wondered what’s next? Punk says he might just leave it up to the fans for who he should face. Crowd yelling out a ton of names. Taz gets on the mic from commentary. Crowd boos. Punk says out of respect, he’ll let Taz talk, but don’t interrupt him again. Taz gets fired up and says he’s tired of this “bulls*** love fest” and tells Punk not to mention anyone from Team Taz. Punk says he didn’t even say their names. Taz responds he’s been saying their names in radio interviews and on social media because he’s all over the place! “Send Starks! Sends Hook! Send me, Hobbs!” Punk says. “Beat me, if you can. Survive, if I let you,” Punk says as a throwback to Taz’s catchphrase. Cult of Personality hits. Punk hugs Aunt Linda, fist bumps a few fans and walks to the stage. He gives Team Taz a look as he walks to the back.

– Santana and Ortiz is ready to shift their focus to the rest of the tag division. Santana says now that they’ve moved on from FTR they are going to climb the ladder. “We’re the best!” Ortiz yells.

– Backstage, Ruby Soho talks with Tony Schiavone. She offered an open challenge tonight because she didn’t want anyone to think she got lucky at All Out. Britt Baker shows up with her girls and wonders why we’re spending airtime on the flavor of the week. Soho tells Tony she and Baker go back a long time, she actually helped break Baker in. Soho tells Baker this is now her block. Baker tells once they get through with her she’ll be going back to catering — a place she’s been the last four years. They head out. Soho tells Tony, “I know she’s your girl, but I’m going to whoop her ass.”

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dante Martin

Martin gets in the ring and gets run over almost immediately. Martin tries to get in some shots, looks for a springboard crossbody, caught in midair, but Martin gets away. Martin with a backflip around Hobbs to avoid him, then dropkicks Hobbs out to the floor. Martin goes for a suicide dive, but Hobbs catches him and throws Martin into the ring post. He then sends his opponent into the corner. “CM Punk, huh?!” Hobbs yells and launches Martin again into the barricade.

The two get back in the ring where Hobbs continues to beat up Martin. Hobbs brings down his knee pad and does a knee drop to the sternum. Martin with some kicks, gets Hobbs out to the floor. He looks to fly, but Hook gets up on the apron to stop him. Martin decides to fly anyways and leaps over Hook, dropping down on Hobbs. Back to the apron, Martin with a couple kicks to the head. Double springboard moonsault, lands on his feet, pump kick, but then runs into spinebuster, cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs via Pinfall

– Dan Lambert with Men of the Year way up high. Lambert says AEW is now bringing in every skinny, little dork to cover up the truth. Lambert says you may think AEW is the hottest thing going and tricking the fans, but the truth can’t be hidden forever. Two of the best in the company are Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. Lambert invites any two members from the locker room to take out Page and Sky. He looks forward to shutting up everyone so he doesn’t have to hear that “AEW” chant ever again.

– Matt Hardy says he’s sick of Orange Cassidy running his fingers through his hair and is going to shave Cassidy’s hair. Cut to Cassidy saying “Matt Hardy wants to cut my hair? Whatever.”

– MJF makes his way out to the ring with Wardlow. He doesn’t look to be in a good mood after losing to Chris Jericho at All Out. Jericho says before Sunday he beat Jericho three times. He feels like there is bias against him because everybody in the back wants to be him. He rips on Cincinnati a bit, “it’s called the Midwest because everything is mid.” He makes fun of Skyline Chili and the Reds. He says if they have a problem, why don’t they jump the guardrail so he can beat everyone up. He says they won’t because they’re all coward. MJF draws attention to Aunt Linda and the rest of Pillman Jr.’s family. He decides to go over and it’s Brian Pillman’s daughter that MJF is going after. “That would certain explain your vile looks, sooo…” Pillman Jr.’s music hit and out he comes with a mic in hand.

Pillman Jr. doesn’t appreciate MJF talking trash about his hometown and his family. He knows MJF had a silver spoon upbringing, but where he’s from it’s a city that breeds badasses, like Moxley and his father. “Welcome to the jungle!” MJF tells Pillman Jr. wants to go head-to-head on the mic? He brings up Pillman Jr.’s “meth addicted” mother. Pillman gets to the ring and Wardlow gets in the way. MJF wonders if Wardlows is going to help him, like he did on Sunday. He tells Wardlow to get to the corner and just look pretty. MJF says Pillman’s mother should have aborted him, and Pillman attacks him. He gets in a bunch of shots until Wardlow helps. Pillman gets away and lands a few more shots in the corner until Wardlow knocks him down. Griff Garrison runs out to help, but eats a shot to the face from MJF’s Dynamite Diamond Ring. Pillman gets in the way to keep MJF away from his tag partner. Crowd with another “you tapped out” chant to MJF as he walks to the back.

Ruby Soho vs. Jamie Hayter with Britt Baker and Rebel

Hayter using her power to keep Soho down. Soho works the shoulder, shots to the chest. Hayter tries for a pump kick, Soho catches it, kick to the face. Soho is popped up to the top rope, thrown into the bottom rope, and then just kicked out of the ring. Hayter continues to beat up Soho in her AEW Dynamite debut match. Soho whipped into the corner, she flips over and sends Hayter into the second turnbuckle. Soho backs up and throws a kick to the back of the head. Soho with another couple kicks to the face.

Soho lands a DDT after bouncing off the top rope, cover, two. Soho moving slowly though after all the punishment sustained earlier in the match. Soho tries for a saito suplex, blocked. Soho lifts up on Hayters shoulders, she tried for a poisonrana, but they get mixed up and Soho just twists it into a modified face buster. Hayter gets in some moves, lifts Soho, backbreaker across the knee, sliding elbow, pin, two-count. Soho with eat defeat to the jaw, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Ruby Soho via Pinfall

– Post-match, Britt Baker and Rebel with the attack. They look to do more damage and Riho runs out to stop them for a moment. Hayter gets a hold of Riho, lifts and drops her. Baker was going to stomp Baker down on the title, but Kris Statlander runs out with a chair to clear out the ring. The three in the ring check on each other and Statlander raises up Soho’s arm.

– Brian Cage asks Ricky Starks if he’s sick and tired of all of this. He wants Starks to cut the crap, one-on-one match! Starks says Cage is going to find out why they call him “Absolute” Ricky Starks.

– Backstage interview with Dark Order. The group begins arguing and Anna Jay steps up, she says they are a family and need to act like it. She and Tay Conti head off.

John Silver, Evil Uno, Stu Grayson with 5, 10, and Colt Caban vs. Shawn Spears and FTR with Wardlow and Tully Blanchard

Silver and Grayson play games by tagging in over and over as the match gets started. Silver able to outpower Spears, running him over and flexing for the crowd. Grayson gets in there, but is taken down fairly quickly as The Pinnacle members do a bunch of quick tags. Grayson with a pele kick, then brings in Uno. He lifts Spears, Grayson with an elbow drop off the top rope, cover, two. Uno sends Spears into the corner. He offers up the tag to Silver and he tags in. They land a few moves then do the Dark Order taunt to each other, cover, two. Crowd with a “Colt Cabana” chant.

Silver getting attacked in the wrong side of town, but gets away and hits a solid brainbuster. He looks to tag out, but Spears and Wheeler knock his guys down to the floor. Silver decides to throw kicks, landing a bunch to Harwood, running kick to the back of the head, german suplex with the bridge. Silver tries to keep up the momentum, but Spears hits a Death Valley Driver for the win.

Winners: FTR and Shawn Spears via Pinfall

– Post-match, Uno gets in Silver’s face and yells at him. Silver shoves him down! Grayson with a kick to the head and the other guys start fighting. Tay Conti and Anna Jay both come out to the ramp and look on. The group continues to yell at each other.

– Video package to hype Anna Jay/Tay Conti vs. The Bunny/Penelope Ford feud. Jade Cargill learned at the Women’s Casino Battle Royale to not trust anyone. Thunder Rosa says she was heartbroken at coming so close to winning at All Out, but won’t stop fighting

– Backstage, Tony Schiavone talks to Tully Blanchard who calls out Sting and Darby Allin. He wants Shawn Spears vs. Darby Allin on next week’s show. He also says there will be a time when he and Sting meet again in the ring.

– Varsity Blonds vs. The Acclaimed on Friday’s Rampage.

– The Elite head out to the ring to talk with Tony Schiavone. Don Callis takes the mic and promotes Kenny Omega take the number one spot in the PWI 500. Callis says the tag titles were stolen from The Young Bucks on Sunday, but they have a plan to get them back. Nick Jackson then says “speaking of getting thing back!” and introduces Adam Cole. He gets on the mic and says he knows Tony Schiavone is friends with Britt Baker, but if he even looks at her weird, he will whoop his ass. He then kicks Schivone out of the ring, “get out of the ring, nerd!”

Cole says All Elite Wrestling is the greatest professional wrestling company in the world. It’s because of The Elite! He continues that he may be new here, but he’s shown for 14 years, he’s a once in a generation wrestler. Now he’s with the best. The Young Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time. He says Omega is a once in a lifetime wrestler. Now, The Elite has Adam Cole, bay bay. Cole announces he’s going to make his AEW in-ring debut on next week’s show.

Omega on the mic, he says one thing he hates is being interrupted. He goes to do his sign-off, but Bryan Danielson’s music hits again and down the ramp he comes! Omega asks his guys if he could have the ring and asks Danielson to come into the ring. Omega says he’s the guy he really wanted to see. Danielson snatches the mic and asks the fans if they want to see him go against Kenny Omega. Omega says it doesn’t work like that here. Bryan says Omega isn’t taking the match because he knows Bryan is better than him, and he’s not on his level! Omega takes his jacket off and goes for a swing, Bryan dodges him and goes to lock in a submission. The Elite attack him. Jurassic Express, Jurassic Express, and Christian Cage run out to help. The Elite cleared out to the floor. Luchasaurus launches Marko Stunt down on The Young Bucks. Cutler is the only guy left in the ring, Danielson with a running knee to send him out of the ring.

– Friday’s Rampage:
* Andrade vs. PAC
* Max Caster with Anthony Bowens vs. Brian Pillman Jr.
* Darby and Sting respond to Tully Blanchard
* Ruby Soho, Riho, and Kris Statlander vs. Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel

– Next week’s Dynamite:
* Adam Cole makes AEW in-ring debut against Frankie Kazarian
* Jade Cargill with Smart Mark Sterling vs. Leyla Hirsch
* Darby Allin with Sting vs. Shawn Spears with Tully Blanchard

Dynamite: Grand Slam on September 22:
* Cody Rhodes vs. Malakai Black

Minoru Suzuki vs. Jon Moxley

Crowd with a “this is awesome!” chant as Moxley and Suzuki start throwing shots in the middle of the ring. “Yeah!” and “Boo!” chants as they go back and forth. They trade pump kicks and both laugh it off. More strikes as they make their way to the floor and Suzuki works over his opponent.

Both eventually get back in the ring where Moxley picks up some momentum, brainbuster, cover, two. Moxley throws a chop in the corner and then gets whipped into the other side, Suzuki with a kick to the face, tries for another, but Moxley catches it and then bites Suzuki in the face. Suzuki does it right back to him. Both throw a headbutt and both go down. Suzuki looks for the gotch style pildriver, but Moxley with a back body drop counter and goes right into a paradigm shift! Suzuki is busted open, Moxley with a big lariat, cover, one-count. Moxley with a lariat, Suzuki doesn’t go down though. He tries again, no luck. Suzuki with a single-leg dropkick. Suzuki looks for a rear naked choke. Moxley gets away and throws a big right hand, and another. Suzuki goes down, Moxley with another paradigm shift (looked more suplex like though) and he gets the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley via Pinfall

– Post-match, Moxley heads up into the stands and celebrates with his hometown fans as the show comes to a close.