Adelup: Travel guidance changes still under review – Pacific Daily News

Proposed changes to Guam’s travel and quarantine rules are still under review, according to Adelup.

“Once finalized, we will announce,” said spokesperson Krystal Paco-San Agustin.

Adelup was expected to implement new travel guidance this weekend. 

Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero had previously said she would ease travel restrictions beginning May 1 if the island reached its goal of vaccinating 50% of the adult population, or 62,500 people. Guam reached its “path to half” goal in April, but officials delayed the easing of quarantine requirements for at least two weeks as a result of COVID-19 clusters in the community.

The recent clusters gave officials “cause for pause,” Public Health and Social Services Director Art San Agustin said in April. 

Since then, the CDC identified six cases of three different COVID-19 variant strains on island, according to the Joint Information Center on Wednesday. 

  • four were identified the U.K. variant;
  • one was identified as the California variant; and
  • one was identified as the South African variant.

Of the six samples confirmed as variants of concern, five were identified in the government of Guam quarantine facility and one had no known travel history, the Joint Information Center stated.

More:Traveling? Here’s how to get proof that you are vaccinated

More:Adolescents 12 and older on Guam can receive Pfizer vaccine

Proposed quarantine protocol 

Adelup stated that under its proposed changes to travel restrictions, fully vaccinated travelers would be able to bypass quarantine by presenting an immunization card and a separate record of vaccination from a health authority or private provider. 

The vaccine has to be an FDA- authorized shot.

Those who are not vaccinated will go to quarantine and, if they test negative on Day 6 of quarantine, they will be released with no further quarantine necessary. Those who do not take a test on Day 6 will be released on Day 10. 

Leon Guerrero stated last month that Public Health officials and airport officials will still have to work out details.

Current quarantine protocol 

As of May 13, all incoming travelers, including residents, remain subject to a 14-day quarantine in a government of Guam facility. 

On Day 6 of quarantine, all travelers are eligible to receive a COVID-19 test. If the results return negative, the traveler can complete their 14-day quarantine at their personal residence or rental location.

Reporter Anumita Kaur covers military and more on Guam. Follow her on Twitter @anumitakaur. Reach her at