WWE Monday Night RAW Live Results, Your Feedback And Viewing Party – Wrestling Inc.

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE RAW Viewing Party. Tonight’s show comes from the Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, SC.

– The post-Elimination Chamber edition of WWE RAW opens up on the USA Network with a video package of highlights from Saturday’s big event in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. We’re live from the Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, South Carolina as Jimmy Smith welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.

– We go right to the ring and out comes new WWE Champion Brock Lesnar as the fans pop and the pyro goes off. Lesnar greets fans at ringside on his way to the ring. He hops up on top of the announce table and raises the WWE Title in the air to another big pop. Graves hypes the Winner Takes All match at WrestleMania 38 between Lesnar and WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns.

Lesnar is all smiles as he enters the ring and the music stops. Fans chant “Suplex City!” now and Lesnar nods along. Lesnar says it’s getting hot in here as he takes his jacket off. Lesnar thanks everyone for the chants and introduces himself as the new WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, live in South Carolina tonight. He goes to thank the crowd again but Paul Heyman interrupts from the stage and the boos start up. Lesnar isn’t happy. Lesnar says the stage is as far as he should go if he were Heyman. Lesnar chants along with the “you suck!” chants. Heyman says the special counsel to The Tribal Chief does not suck. Heyman says he’s the only special counsel to the only real heavyweight champion in WWE. Heyman goes on with a quick introduction for Reigns.

Heyman says he didn’t come out to be disrespectful, but out of their love and their 20+ years of business and friendship together, he knows Lesnar is so myopic looking at the WrestleMania 38 match, but there is a roadblock in Lesnar’s way, farm boy, and he may not make it to WrestleMania as WWE Champion. Heyman says he always took care of the small details for Lesnar, such as him having to defend the WWE Title on Saturday, March 5 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Heyman says this means Lesnar won’t make it to WrestleMania as champion. Heyman thanks Lesnar and says to just let him know if he needs any more information. Fans boo Heyman. Lesnar says he can still appreciate Heyman, even though he’s such a dick. Lesnar mentions already knowing where he needs to be. Heyman asks Lesnar if he knows he has to defend against Bobby Lashley at MSG, but if Lashley can’t pass concussion protocol, Heyman will still make sure he has a worthy opponent. Heyman says he will see Lesnar at MSG.

Lesnar cuts him off and says newsflash – he’s doing just fine without Heyman. Lesnar points at his title. Lesnar thanks Heyman for telling him where he needs to be. Lesnar will now tell Heyman where he will be on Friday night – in a ring in Hershey, PA, next to his little Tribal Chief demanding some acknowledgement. Guess where Lesnar will be Friday night? Heyman says Saskatchewan. Wrong. Lesnar says he’s coming to SmackDown to introduce Heyman and Reigns to the new WWE Champion. Lesnar drops the mic as fans pop and the music hits. Heyman walks to the back. Lesnar raises his hat to the crowd as they cheer him on.

– Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens are talking backstage when Kevin Patrick interrupts. He mentions how they are top stars but their path to WrestleMania 38 isn’t clear. Owens scolds Patrick and says they do have a plan. They go on and reveal that they went to WWE officials and when they beat RK-Bro again tonight, they will be added to the RAW Tag Team Titles match against RK-Bro and Alpha Academy in just two weeks. Then the possibilities for WrestleMania will be endless. Rollins laughs and leaves. Owens tells Patrick that getting to team with his friend as champion at WrestleMania will almost make it bearable that he has to perform in such a hell-hole like Texas.

RAW Tag Team Champions Alpha Academy vs. The Street Profits

We go back to the ring and out come The Street Profits – Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. They head to the ring as the red Solo cups fall. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers hype tonight’s show. Out next for this non-title match are RAW Tag Team Champions Alpha Academy – Otis and Chad Gable. Mike Rome does the introductions. We have some technical difficulties to start but Otis is dominating Ford now. Ford ends up dumping Gable and Otis to the floor now. Ford ends up on the floor getting double teamed until Dawkins comes in, runs the ring and leaps out, taking the champs down at ringside. Dawkins celebrates as we go back to a commercial.

Back from the break and Ford had Gable down. Otis ends up coming in and leveling Ford with a big clothesline. Gable goes back to work on Ford. Gable with a Northern Lights suplex for a 2 count. Gable talks some trash and beats Ford down some more. I’m having some more technical difficulties but the feed comes back to Ford fighting the champs off. Gable gets sent out. Ford scoops Otis but can’t get him over, so Otis falls on top of him. Gable assists with the pin from the floor and Otis gets the pin to win on Ford.

Winners: Alpha Academy

– After the match, Otis and Gable celebrate at ringside as the music hits.

– We see what happened last week with Tommaso Ciampa and Dolph Ziggler at ringside. Kevin Patrick is backstage with Ciampa now, asking about feeling pressure ahead of tonight’s tag team match with Finn Balor vs. The Dirty Dawgs. Ciampa feels no pressure and will take Ziggler on any night, Bobby Roode is just an added bonus. He knew just the guy to call to be his partner tonight – Finn Balor appears and fans in the arena pop. Balor says RAW might be his home now but he will never forget where he came from and will certainly never forget stepping in the ring with Ciampa. They may have stood toe-to-toe many times in the past but tonight let’s start the road to WrestleMania 38 by standing shoulder-to-shoulder. Balor walks off and the music hits in the arena.

Finn Balor and Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Dirty Dawgs

We go back to the ring and out comes Finn Balor to a pop, making his first RAW appearance since losing to Austin Theory on January 17. Balor hits the ring to pose as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see some stills from WWE Elimination Chamber. We go back to the ring and out comes NXT Superstar Tommaso Ciampa. We see what happened last week as Ziggler interfered in the Vengeance Day main event between Santos Escobar and NXT Champion Bron Breakker, until Ciampa stopped him. Graves hypes tomorrow’s NXT with Ciampa vs. Ziggler to determine the new #1 contender to Breakker. The bell rings and Ciampa starts off with Roode. Ziggler distracts from the apron and Ciampa swings, but that allows Roode to attack and get the match going.

Ciampa fights back early on and drops Roode with a shoulder. Ciampa grounds Roode with a headlock now. Roode takes Ciampa to the corner and works him over as Ziggler tags in to assist. Ziggler rakes the eyes and then taunts Balor, and goes back to talk more trash to Ciampa. Ciampa fights back and works Ziggler into the corner. Ciampa with a big clothesline. Ciampa goes on and covers for 2.

Ciampa sends Ziggler to the floor as Balor tags in. Roode also gets knocked to the floor next to Ziggler. Balor runs the ropes and flies out, with an assist by Ciampa, to take the heels back down at ringside for a pop. We go to a commercial as Balor points his guns at The Dirty Dawgs at ringside while Ciampa yells from the ring.

Back from the break and Ziggler kicks Ciampa around in the ring. Roode comes back in to take over. Fans chant “we want Balor!” now as Ziggler tags right back in. Ciampa finally levels Ziggler with a clothesline and they both go down. Balor and Roode reach for tags and get them. Balor goes to work on Roode with his signature offense. Balor with the double stomp and a big chop in the corner. Roode turns it around but Balor blocks the Glorious DDT, then drops him for a 2 count as Ziggler runs in and breaks it up. Ciampa attacks Ziggler but Ziggler tosses him to the floor. Balor sends Ziggler to the floor. Balor turns around to a big Spinebuster by Roode for a close 2 count.

Roode shows some frustration now. Balor escapes from a suplex and nails a Slingblade. Ciampa tags back in but runs into Roode’s elbow. Roode leaps off the second rope but Ciampa nails him in mid-air with a big knee. Roode blocks the Fairy Tale Ending with a back-drop but Ciampa rolls through and gets the pin to win.

Winners: Tommaso Ciampa and Finn Balor

– After the match, Ciampa and Balor begin to celebrate as Ciampa’s music hits. Ziggler and Roode seethe at ringside. Balor and Ciampa stand tall together in the ring.

– The announcers plug WrestleMania 38 tickets and go over the card so far.

– We go back to the ring and out comes The Miz for another must see episode of MizTV. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and The Miz is in the ring for MizTV. He starts ranting on the crowd and getting heat, then rants on how Rey Mysterio cheated to win at WWE Elimination Chamber, using his son Dominik Mysterio. Miz goes on and mentions how he’s realized the fans can’t be trusted. Miz says he has found someone new to team with at WrestleMania 38. He says this person comes from a fighting family, he’s very “dashing” and a global celebrity. Miz made several potential teases for Cody Rhodes, which got a small pop from the crowd. The music interrupts and out comes The Mysterios. Rey knocks Miz and says no one in the back would team with him because the locker room can’t stand him. Rey says whoever this outside is, he can go right back where he came from and give his WrestleMania moment to someone who deserves it.

Miz says he knows what is best for this industry, not Rey, not Dominik and certainly not the fans. Dominik speaks up and defends his spot in WWE, and promises if Miz says one more thing about his father… Miz interrupts, taunts Dominik and says he’s proposing that he and his new tag team partner face Rey and Dominik at WrestleMania 38. Miz calls for fans to get up out of their seats and welcome his new tag team partner back to WWE – Logan Paul.

Paul comes out to mostly boos. He hits the ring and chest bumps The Miz. Paul says no disrespect as Rey is a WWE Legend, but he’s got pool toys that are bigger. Dominik says if this jackass is Miz’s partner, then they accept. Logan and Miz suddenly attack out of nowhere and beat The Mysterios down. Logan and Miz grab Rey and launch him head-first into the ring post. They then do the same to Dominik in the opposite corner as fans boo. Miz then drops Rey with a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz shoves Dominik into Paul, and Paul drops Dominik with a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz goes wild at the move. Paul and Miz stand tall together with their arms in the air as the music hits. They then pose in the corners and point up at the WrestleMania 38 sign while yelling out to the crowd.

– Kevin Patrick is backstage with RAW Tag Team Champions Alpha Academy. They’re asked about tonight’s main event and they say at least RK-Bro earned their title match while Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens just complained to get a chance at the titles. Chad Gable realizes their odds go down if Rollins and Owens are added to to the title match, but he and Otis are confident that they will retain regardless of who they defend against.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a new “coming soon” vignette from Veer Mahaan. He is still just “coming soon” with no date set. We go back to the ring and out comes Nikki A.S.H. The bell rings and Nikki yells at Ripley for what happened at Elimination Chamber, then rocks her in the mouth. Nikki keeps yelling until Ripley levels her with a big shot. Ripley tosses Nikki across the ring and works her over while talking trash.

Ripley with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Ripley drops Nikki in the corner and tosses her across the ring again. Ripley misses a shot in the corner but puts the brakes on and cuts Nikki’s comeback off. Ripley with a long vertical suplex in the middle of the ring. Nikki rolls to the floor and yells at the announcers about how she told us that Ripley is the villain here.

Ripley comes out and slams Nikki’s face into the announce table. Ripley rolls Nikki back in but wastes some time shrugging to the announcers. Nikki attacks Ripley as she comes back in, unloading with punches. Ripley comes back and hits a Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to get the fairly quick win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

– After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Ripley poses and looks down at Nikki to end the segment.

– Still to come, a special look at The Undertaker’s Hall of Fame career. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and the announcers talk about Bobby Lashley being under concussion protocol due to what happened at WWE Elimination Chamber, but still scheduled to challenge WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at MSG next Saturday. They did not mention Lashley’s legitimate shoulder injury, which is rumored to have him out for 4 months.

– We get a video package on the career of 2022 WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker.

WWE United States Champion Damian Priest vs. Shelton Benjamin

We go back to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Damian Priest for this non-title match. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Shelton Benjamin with Cedric Alexander. The bell rings and they go at it. Shelton beats Priest into the corner and unloads. Benjamin goes on and ends up sending Priest to the floor in front of the announce table. Alexander ends up delivering a big kick to the chest while the referee is distracted.

Shelton brings it back in and slams Priest for a close 2 count. Benjamin grounds Priest now in the middle of the ring. Priest fights up and out, then rocks Benjamin with an elbow. Priest snaps some and shows his other side. He unloads on Benjamin with big strikes and rocks him with a big right hand, then a clothesline to drop him. Priest with the Stage Dive in the corner, then a big spin kick to the face.

Cedric gets on the apron but Priest knocks him off. Benjamin rushes Priest into the corner and nails a big knee to the face. Benjamin then slams Benjamin for a close 2 count. Benjamin keeps control and stalks Priest as he recovers.

Priest kicks Benjamin and hits the South of Heaven chokeslam. Priest yells out and grabs Benjamin for The Reckoning for the pin to win.

Winner: Damian Priest

– After the match, Priest stands tall and has his arm raised while raising the title in the air. The music hits as we go to replays. Priest takes the mic and gives props to Benjamin for being one of the few that will come out and fight him like a man. Priest says there’s a list of World Champions he’s defeated, serious athletes who have stepped up but he’s remained United States Champion. Priest says now this is WrestleMania Season and he wants his next opponent to match that caliber. Priest says next week he is volunteering his title in a match but he wants this opponent to be someone of World Title caliber. Priest introduces himself as United States Champion and asks who is going to try and take that from him. Priest drops the mic and goes to leave but the music hits and out comes Finn Balor to the stage. Balor says if Priest wants to face a serious athlete, a serious fighter, a World Champion-level opponent, then it sounds like he’s talking about Balor. Fans pop. Balor warns Priest to be careful what he wishes for, and says he will see him next week. Balor’s music hits and he looks down to the ring as Priest raises the gold in the air.

– We see how Reggie won the WWE 24/7 Title from his friend Dana Brooke last week.

– We go back to the ring and out comes WWE 24/7 Champion Reggie. He flips into the ring and poses in the corner as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see more stills from Elimination Chamber. We go back to the ring and Reggie has a mic. He says he came out to get something off his chest and he promises he won’t be interrupted by any 24/7 shenanigans until he gets all of this out. First he would like to bring out the former champion, Dana Brooke, and out she comes. Reggie says he’s been very supportive of Dana winning the WWE 24/7 Title from the very beginning, he’s cared for her, maybe more than friends, and he gets it, all she wants to be is friends and that’s fine, but last week he lost sight of what was important, he couldn’t resist taking advantage of an opportunity but it left him with a horrible feeling in his stomach all week. Reggie apologizes from the bottom of his heart, and he wants to show Dana how she means so much more to him. He calls for a referee as Dana looks on confused. Reggie flips around and then lays down in the middle of the ring.

Reggie invites Dana to come pin him and she does. Reggie kicks out at 2 and starts laughing. Dana is upset. She tries again and he kicks out once again. Dana seethes. Reggie tells her to go ahead and do it again. Dana pins him but this time she kisses him, which allows her to get the full 3 count. The referee raises Dana’s arm with the title as Reggie gets up, happy about the kiss it appears. Dana blows him a kiss and raises the title. R-Truth runs down and gets in the ring but Reggie dropkicks him back out. Dana knocks Akira Tozawa off the apron, right into Tamina Snuka’s arms at ringside. Tozawa puckers up to Tamina for a kiss but she’s not having it, she just drops him on the floor. Tamina, Tozawa and Truth chase Reggie and Dana away, through the crowd.

– We get a video of highlights from the Women’s Elimination Chamber this past Saturday night.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Bianca Belair to a pop. She swings her hair and heads to the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers hype Belair vs. RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch at WrestleMania 38. Belair takes the mic and cuts a promo on how she’s ready to run it back after making history at WrestleMania 37 last year. She mentions Lynch and then goes on about how tough the other Elimination Chamber participants were, but there can only be one EST. Belair really wants to get this point across – she is the hardest working woman in WWE, working non-stop for this WrestleMania moment so if you think she’s about to let up now, no way. She goes on and says in six weeks she will show Lynch why you can’t spell WrestleMania without a little EST. The music interrupts and out comes Lynch.

Lynch congratulates Belair on making it back to the big time, and says it doesn’t get any bigger than the two women who have won WrestleMania events. Becky says she and Belair will main event WrestleMania 38, but Belair is only getting to main event WrestleMania because Lynch did it first. Belair says that may be true but she did it better. Becky brings up how she walked out of WrestleMania 35 as Becky 2 Belts and hasn’t been beaten for this title ever since. She also recalls her 26 second win over Belair at SummerSlam. They both keep talking and Lynch accuses Belair of playing the victim. Belair points to some of her accomplishments and says she is not the victim. Lynch says that’s right because she is, she used to be The Man of the people until Belair came along. She goes on about how fans have despised her ever since she beat Belair at SummerSlam, they even gave her a huge ovation when she returned for that match, but it stopped there. Lynch says because they despise her now, she despises Belair. Lynch reminds Belair what she did to WWE Hall of Famer Lita at Elimination Chamber and warns Belair over WrestleMania. Belair threatens Lynch and says maybe she will make her a victim now. They face off until the music hits and out comes Doudrop.

Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop

Bianca Belair and Doudrop get ready to go at it but we go back to commercial before the match starts.

Back from the break and we get a WrestleMania 38 promo. We go back to the ring and RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch is on commentary. The bell rings and they lock up, taking it to the corner. Doudrop works Belair over but backs off as the referee warns her, and again. They tangle and Belair taunts Doudrop in the middle of the ring.

Belair mounts some offense and dropkicks Doudrop into the corner. Belair with a big shoulder thrust in the corner. Belair slams Doudrop face-first into the turnbuckle. Doudrop turns it back around and beats Belair up in the corner. Belair fights out of the corner but Doudrop drops her again. Doudrop tries to take it back to the corner but she’s blocked. Belair tries for a corner KOD but Doudrop fights her off.

Doudrop ends up knocked off the apron to the floor. Belair then leaps off the apron with a crossbody to take Doudrop back down. Belair has a brief showdown with Lynch at the announce table, then turns around to Doudrop flying at her with a crossbody. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Doudrop has Belair grounded in the middle of the ring. She fights up and out but Doudrop dodges strikes, then nails a big German suplex. Doudrop charges into the corner but Belair jumps up and catches her with a Spinebuster for a big pop. Belair with the handspring moonsault for a big pop. Belair grabs Doudrop for a vertical suplex but she can’t hit it. Doudrop blocks it but Belair taunts her. Belair dodges a suplex by Doudrop now, then finally hits one of her own.

Belair and Doudrop tangle in the corner now. Belair gets slammed out of the corner, smacking her face on the mat. Doudrop goes for a corner cannonball but Belair moves. The referee checks on both competitors as they are down now. Belair rolls over and pins Belair for a quick pin attempt. Belair kicks Doudrop but Doudrop punches her and hits a Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count. Doudrop shows some frustration now. Doudrop stomps and then climbs up to the second rope for the Vader Bomb but Belair cuts her off and nails a running powerbomb from the turnbuckle for a big pop.

Belair tries for the KOD from the corner again but Doudrop resists. Belair finally gets Doudrop on her shoulders, and she hits the KOD in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– After the match, Belair stands tall and laughs as her music hits, apparently shocked at the strength she displayed at the end. Lynch stands on top of the announce table, raising the title in the air and yelling at Belair as we go to replays. Belair points her finger at the WrestleMania 38 sign, which makes Lynch seethe to end the segment.

– Still to come, The Rated R Superstar is here.

– We get a Black History Month video that shows WWE Hall of Famer Booker T visiting kids at For Oak Cliff in the Dallas area. Back to commercial.

– Back from a break and the announcers plug the “Corey & Carmella” series coming to YouTube next Monday.

– We go back to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to a big pop and pyro.

Edge says the smell of WrestleMania is in the air. He recalls being a fan and being amazed at WrestleMania 3, and goes on about getting on the WrestleMania card. Edge interrupts himself and says it’s good to be back. He talks about finally getting his spot on his first WrestleMania. He talks about stealing the show with TLC and says he’s thinking of WWE Hall of Famer D-Von Dudley, who just had back surgery. Edge goes on about some of his other WrestleMania moments, and congratulates The Undertaker on his 2022 WWE Hall of Fame induction. He talks about retiring with a WrestleMania match but then he fought for 10 years to get back to WrestleMania, and he did that last year. As a kid he dreamed about WrestleMania, and he still does the same as an adult. Edge mentions how the fans give him the energy needed to be “phenomenal” and he even raises his eyebrow at the word, which sounds like a reference to AJ Styles. Edge says at WrestleMania he makes everything and everyone around him better. He steps up at WrestleMania.

Edge says he needs WrestleMania. He says WrestleMania 37 is being called the most stupendous two-night WWE event in history, but he says you can’t call WrestleMania that without him and as much as he needs WrestleMania, WrestleMania needs Edge. Edge issues a challenge to the locker room and says he needs someone to step up. If you want to prove yourself, stand across the ring from the man who says he is still the best going today, a certifiable legend. Edge will make you a legend forever if you fight him at WrestleMania. Edge tells the boys to step up because he will be waiting. He drops the mic and looks up at the WrestleMania 38 sign as the music hits.

– We see how Seth Rollins defeated Riddle two weeks ago, right before Kevin Owens took the RKO from Randy Orton.

RK-Bro vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes RK-Bro – Randy Orton and Riddle. They enter the ring and the pyro goes off. Orton and Riddle pose in the middle of the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get more Elimination Chamber stills. We go back to the ring for the main event and out come Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens. If they win this match, they will be added to the title match in two weeks with RK-Bro and RAW Tag Team Champions Alpha Academy. The bell rings and Rollins dances around as the crowd sings his theme. Owens and Riddle start things off as we see Otis and Chad Gable watching backstage.

Owens drops Riddle and they lock up again. Riddle jumps on Owens’ back but gets slammed. Owens with a senton as Otis and Gable continue watching. Owens unloads on Riddle to keep him down. Owens with a big chop into the corner. Rollins tags in and taunts Orton, then goes to work on Riddle in the corner. Rollins with a Slingblade and some more showing off. Riddle comes back with a big suplex and a tag to Orton. Orton works Rollins over and in comes Riddle for a double team. Riddle covers for 2. Orton comes back in but Rollins works him over against the ropes.

Orton fights back and dumps Rollins to the floor. Orton follows to slam Rollins into the announce table but Owens makes the save. Orton then grabs Owens and slams him on top of the announce table instead. Rollins comes right back and sends Orton flying over the announce table with a big suicide dive. We go back to commercial with Rollins standing tall at the announce table.

Back from the break and Owens has control of Orton in the middle of the ring. Fans rally for Orton as he fights back to his feet, then slams Owens with a back suplex. We see Alpha Academy watching backstage again. Riddle tags in and unloads on Rollins as he also tags in. Rollins with a step-up kick but Riddle kips-up and delivers more offense in the corner. Rollins blocks a suplex and we get a rolling elbow but Riddle comes back with a kick and a Broton. Riddle goes on and hits a bridging German suplex for a close 2 count on Rollins. Riddle ends up turned upside down in the corner, and Owens nails a cheap shot from the floor. Rollins goes on and hits a double stomp from the top but Riddle kicks out at 2.

Owens comes back in and decks Orton on the apron. Owens drops Riddle with an enziguri. Owens with more offense and a 2 count. Riddle blocks the Stunner and Owens gets pushed into Orton. They go on and Owens hits another enziguri. Owens flies onto Riddle and then Rollins follows up with a big Frogsplash. Riddle still kicks out at 2 and the h eels can’t believe it. Riddle fights off a double team now as Rollins shows frustration. Orton tags back in and unloads on Owens with clotheslines, then a powerslam in the middle of the ring. Rollins charges but Orton also powerslams him. Orton takes both opponents to the apron for a double draping DDT but Rollins escapes to the floor. Orton hits the draping DDT to Owens. Orton rallies the crowd and drops down for the RKO but Owens blocks it. Riddle tags in but Owens clotheslines Orton to the floor.

Owens kicks Riddle and stomps his bare feet. Rollins comes over to Orton on the floor and hits a big Stomp. Riddle goes to the top and hits a Floating Bro. Riddle goes to tag but Orton is still down on the floor. Rollins tags in and Rollins hits an assisted Buckle Bomb into the corner. Owens follows up with the Stunner and Rollins covers for the pin to win and earn the spot in the title match.

Winners: Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens

– After the match, Rollins’ music hits as he and Owens stand tall. Rollins and Owens vs. RK-Bro vs. RAW Tag Team Champions Alpha Academy is confirmed for RAW in two weeks. We see Gable and Otis backstage seething now. The announcers also confirm Finn Balor vs. WWE United States Champion Damian Priest with the title on the line for next week. Rollins and Owens continue celebrating the win and point up at the WrestleMania 38 sign as RAW goes off the air.

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