Health officials worry about flu season with pandemic ongoing, state reopening – KSBW Monterey

Health leaders are warning Monterey County could be facing a double threat this winter as COVID-19 continues to pose a serious threat and flu season is just around the corner.“We got a pass last year on a severe flu season. Many experts say that’s not going to be the case this year…” said Pete Delgado, president and CEO of Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System.The precautions we took last year to protect ourselves against COVID-19, like wearing face coverings, social distancing and a lockdown, also safeguarded us from a severe flu season. But things are different this year; the state has re-opened, mask requirements have been loosened, and more people are interacting.“We do suspect that now that kids are in school and businesses are open we may experience more transmission of influence this year compared to last year,” said Dr. Edward Moreno, health officer for Monterey County.For that reason, health leaders are warning people to be vigilant and get vaccinated for both the flu and COVID-19.“Because COVID-19 and the influenza virus have similar symptoms it is very important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family,” Delgado said.Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital is now teaming up with the Monterey county health department to offer some of the first vaccine clinics that will provide both the COVID vaccine and flu shot. Federal health leaders say it is okay to receive both vaccines at the same time.“Just like COVID, a flu vaccination is very important it really will reduce the severity of the disease or keep you from getting the flu altogether. Getting the flu is not fun it’s not as deadly as COVID,” said Dr. David Ghilarducci, deputy health officer for Santa Cruz county.The first of several dual vaccine clinics offered by SVMH and the health department will take place Saturday at SVMH from 11-2 p.m. The clinic is free and no appointment is needed. Those attending can get either vaccine or both.

Health leaders are warning Monterey County could be facing a double threat this winter as COVID-19 continues to pose a serious threat and flu season is just around the corner.

“We got a pass last year on a severe flu season. Many experts say that’s not going to be the case this year…” said Pete Delgado, president and CEO of Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System.

The precautions we took last year to protect ourselves against COVID-19, like wearing face coverings, social distancing and a lockdown, also safeguarded us from a severe flu season. But things are different this year; the state has re-opened, mask requirements have been loosened, and more people are interacting.

“We do suspect that now that kids are in school and businesses are open we may experience more transmission of influence this year compared to last year,” said Dr. Edward Moreno, health officer for Monterey County.

For that reason, health leaders are warning people to be vigilant and get vaccinated for both the flu and COVID-19.

“Because COVID-19 and the influenza virus have similar symptoms it is very important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family,” Delgado said.

Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital is now teaming up with the Monterey county health department to offer some of the first vaccine clinics that will provide both the COVID vaccine and flu shot. Federal health leaders say it is okay to receive both vaccines at the same time.

“Just like COVID, a flu vaccination is very important it really will reduce the severity of the disease or keep you from getting the flu altogether. Getting the flu is not fun it’s not as deadly as COVID,” said Dr. David Ghilarducci, deputy health officer for Santa Cruz county.

The first of several dual vaccine clinics offered by SVMH and the health department will take place Saturday at SVMH from 11-2 p.m. The clinic is free and no appointment is needed. Those attending can get either vaccine or both.