Dave Grohl and former enemy/child drummer Nandi Bushell finally perform live together – The A.V. Club

A celebration of peace.

A celebration of peace.
Screenshot: SC Guy

Last summer, famous musician and adult man Dave Grohl was drawn into a feud with an 11-year-old drummer named Nandi Bushell. Though their beef has long since been squashed, a true, lasting peace never seemed certain until the two sealed their armistice with what sparked Bushell’s attack in the first place: An opportunity to play music with Foo Fighters.

We’re pleased to report that as of last night these terms have been met.

Two videos, including one posted by Bushell, show the wunderkind joining Grohl and Foo Fighters on stage for the end of their set at L.A.’s Forum. We see her waiting backstage as Grohl introduces her to the crowd through a sanitized account of the horrors of their drum war.

He talks about how nice it was to look at his phone last year and see something as cool as a talented kid wailing on the drums and inviting him to battle rather than the endless torrent of terrible shit that filled the headlines. He describes how he was drawn into a challenge that resulted in a child “[whooping] my fucking ass in front of the entire planet.” Then he recounts finally meeting his “arch nemesis” in person that night and brings “the most badass drummer in the world” up on stage to play.

After grinning and basking in the crowd’s applause, Bushell gets behind the kit and the band starts into “Everlong.” She performs the song with them, killing the part and endangering the future career prospects of poor Taylor Hawkins, who watches from behind as his job is stolen in front of his very eyes. It ends, of course, with an extended drum outro. Bushell then waves to the roaring crowd and leaves the stage.

Her conditions fulfilled, the drum war now seems to have totally ended. May this peace last forever.

[via Consequence]

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