Your Horoscope for the Week of July 19th – Cosmopolitan

Overview: Can we have pleasure in a pandemic? Leo Season think so! On Wednesday, the Sun moves into Leo and helps the zodiac find pandemic-friendly ways for more romance, happiness, and glamour. This weekend’s Moon in Libra opposition to Mars in Aries creates a sexy tension between “me” and “we.”

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Moodiness, be gone! The start of Leo Season on Wednesday takes you out of your feels and into a lot of fun—Leo energy wants you to be more confident and vulnerable. This weekend’s Moon-Mars opposition has you striking a hard balance between getting what you want and compromising to allow for others’ desires.


What does “home” mean to you, Taurus? Leo Season’s beginning on Wednesday helps you get closer to the people and places that feel like home sweet home. A Moon-Mars opposition this weekend creates sexy chemistry as you dive into deep conversations with boo.


Tell me more, Gemini! Leo Season’s start on Wednesday has you showcasing the very best of your top-notch communication skills. You’re asking the right questions and listening closely, leading to amazing results! A Moon-Mars opposition this weekend is both romantic and friendly, so combine the best of both for a whole lot of fun.


What are you going to do with your birthday cash, Cancer? Big Leo energy beginning on Wednesday helps you maximize your financial opportunities, freedom, and stress-free ideas for income. This weekend’s Moon-Mars opposition between your emotional safety and work sector has you re-examining your emotions on the job. Do they help or hinder you?


Rise and roar, Leo! Your birthday season starts on Wednesday, and the Universe has your wishes on the top of its priority list. Stay grateful, optimistic, and hopeful for all that’s in store. This weekend’s Moon-Mars opposition has you finding the balance between the tiny details and the big picture, between love and power.


Get your auto-reply ready, Virgo. You need a break, and Leo Season (starting on Wednesday( wants to give you the space to relax. Find time for healthy solitude and review your year so far. The Moon-Mars opposition this weekend in your values and committed relationships zone wants you to think about which relationships are based on shared values, and which ones aren’t.


Power to the people, Libra! Recent events are lighting a fire in your heart for activism and justice. Leo Season’s start on Wednesday gives you even more willingness to take it to the streets and let your voice be heard. A Moon-Mars opposition reminds you fill up your own cup before giving others all your energy. A little self-care goes a long way!


Make boss moves, Scorpio! Leo Season’s start on Wednesday has you making huge career changes, whether it’s starting your own biz, advancing at your current job, or getting a new one entirely. This weekend’s Moon-Mars opposition wants you to find a mind-body-spirit ritual or activity so you can feel grounded, healthy, and peaceful.


Prepare for a breakthrough, Sag! Leo Season beginning on Wednesday helps you learn new ways to manage your life so you can get the outcomes you want. Don’t be afraid of trying something new! A Moon-Mars opposition creates a social and romantic atmosphere. So spend time—whether digitally or distancing—with whoever you want!


Go deeper, Cap. The start to Leo Season on Wednesday wants you to give up control and hold space for the imperfections. You can do it! A Moon-Mars opposition this weekend wants you to pay attention to your emotions around work so you can learn what to do, what to say, and who to talk to in order to get the outcomes you want.


It’s a summer of love, Aquarius! The start of Leo Season on Wednesday wants to deepen or complete a relationship. You’re ready for the joys and successes of romance, and this season wants to make it happen! A Moon-Mars opposition this weekend wants you to find a balance between the big and small picture. Apply both to your curiosities to see what you need to see!


Hug a tree, Pisces! Leo Season’s start on Wednesday wants you to get grounded. Try new organization, time-management, and wellness strategies so you can feel centered. A Moon-Mars opposition this weekend could bring up some emotional stuff, so talk about it with people you trust. They’ll give you a magic dose of empathy.

Colin Bedell

Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design.

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