Researchers identify 14 living descendants of Leonardo da Vincis family – CNN

Written by Rachel Trent, CNN

Decades-long research into
Leonardo da Vinci‘s purported remains has revealed how many people currently alive can claim to be descendants of the family of the Renaissance genius and “Mona Lisa” painter: It’s 14.
The conclusion, published in the journal
Human Evolution this month, comes from a new genealogical tree going through 21 generations and four branches.
It’s part of the
Leonardo Da Vinci DNA Project, which aims to confirm remains thought to be his and to “better understand his extraordinary talents and visual acuity through genetic associations.”

The researchers wrote these results are “eagerly awaited from an historical viewpoint” as they will help researchers “scientifically explore the roots of his genius, to find information on his physical prowess and on his possibly precocious aging, on his being left-handed and his health and possible hereditary sicknesses, and to explain certain peculiar sensory perceptions, like his extraordinary visual quality and synesthesia.”

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Researchers gathered data from historical documents in public and private archives and direct accounts by Leonardo descendants.

The study did not provide much information on the living descendants in order to protect their privacy.

Born in 1452, Leonardo is known for his paintings “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper.” Leonardo also dedicated his time to science, math, architecture, design, engineering, geology, cartography, sculpting and drawing.

His artwork continues to elicit hefty payments from collectors.

Last year, an online bidder paid $98,000 to attend the
annual examination of the Mona Lisa, when the
Louvre museum in Paris takes the painting out of its case for inspection.
Earlier this month, a new auction record was set when a tiny sketch of a bear sold for
more than $12 million.