Vitamin B12 deficiency: The ‘thumping’ sensation that may be signalling you’re low in B12 – Express

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a “a thumping heart”, or palpitations, according to experts. Heart palpitations are described by the NHS as heartbeats suddenly becoming more noticeable. The health body says: “Your heart may feel like it’s pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly, often for just a few seconds or minutes.

You may also look pale in appearance.

Cells in other parts of the body may be affected if you lack vitamin B12.

The site also advises other symptoms that may occur include a sore mouth and tongue.

It adds: “If left untreated, problems with nerves and psychological problems can develop.


“Psychological problems may include depression, confusion, and difficulty with memory, or even dementia.

“Nerve problems may include numbness, pins and needles, vision changes and unsteadiness.”

Vitamin B12 is best gained through diet. Good sources include meat, fish milk, cheese, eggs and some fortified breakfast cereals.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by a number of things. One of the most common causes is pernicious anaemia – an autoimmune disease that affects the body’s absorption of B12 from foods.

The health body adds: “Vitamin B12 supplements are usually given by injection at first.

“Then, depending on whether your B12 deficiency is related to your diet, you’ll either require B12 tablets between meals or regular injections.

“These treatments may be needed for the rest of your life.”

In some cases, improving your diet can help treat the condition and prevent it coming back.