Britney Spears addresses court in conservatorship hearing – CNN

Britney Spears will remotely address a court regarding her conservatorship, a legal decision to appoint a guardian to manage the finances, medical decisions and overall daily life of another person. 

This will be the first time she addresses the court since her court-appointed attorney, Samuel Ingham III, filed to suspend her father Jamie Spears as the conservator of her estimated $60 million estate last year.

Jamie Spears has been the conservator of his daughter’s estate since 2008 after a series of personal issues played out publicly for the singer. Despite several rounds of hearings in the past year, Britney Spears has not spoken publicly about her situation. It is unclear what​ — if anything — she will say when she takes the stand remotely today.

No matter what Britney Spears reveals, many fans will be listening intently. In recent years #FreeBritney — a movement which claims Britney Spears is being kept against her will in a legal stranglehold that denies her many basic personal freedoms — has gone viral, garnering attention from fans and celebrities alike.

Virtually all of its adherents’ ​claims — such as that Spears does not handle her own social media, that she is not allowed to drive or own a phone, and that she has been threatened or prohibited from criticizing the arrangement in public — are strongly denied by those close to Spears or involved in the conservatorship.

Superfan Megan Radford, the creator of #FreeBritney, said she has played several different scenarios in her head about how the hearing will go. 

“I’m nervous, but I’m trying to set those nerves aside … I hope that she feels, for the first time ever, possibly, the support that she has behind her,” Radford said.