Randy Orton Says Bad Bunny Is Now A WWE Superstar – Wrestling Inc.

Randy Orton appeared for the first time on today’s WWE The Bump to hype his upcoming WrestleMania match against The Fiend.

As his interview was finishing up, Orton was asked if he had any closing thoughts on The Fiend, instead, Orton opted to give some praise to Bad Bunny and his performance on last night’s show.

“Ya know what? I don’t got nothin’ to say to [The Fiend],” Orton began. “What I would like to say — and this is going to be completely off-topic — but we’ve had a lot of celebrities over the years since I’ve been here. They come in and try to step into our world, and do what we do because everyone can do it, right? We make it look easy, but it is not.

“For the first time, in this manner, I can say seeing Bad Bunny come into our world. Seeing him completely halt his touring schedule, his music, any kind of thing he had going on, he stopped it dead in its tracks so he could go in the ring. I’ve seen him in there with trainers trying to get as good as he can get. Two, three, four, five hours a day. That impresses me.

“I gotta say thank you to Bad Bunny for having respect for what I do and what everyone else in the locker room does, and what WWE does. I appreciate him, as a fan, but now I can look over at him and call him a fellow performer in my world. It’s a breath of fresh air to know someone like that, with that big of a following, that successful in his own world, steps into our but treats us all with respect. That’s usually not the case when it comes to people coming backstage into our world. I’ve seen it a lot over the years.

“Although, off-topic, I feel it’s important for me to say that I appreciate Bad Bunny and the hard work that he put in to delivering last night. And he did, he knocked everyone’s socks off back here. I was watching and I know he impressed a lot of his fellow WWE Superstars. He’s officially a WWE Superstar, now, in my book.”

Bad Bunny got the pinfall victory on The Miz at last night’s show. You can hear Orton’s full comments in the video below.

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