Let this be a lesson for all — when you assume, you make an ass outta U and ME … which applies to this woman who asked a guy with one leg why he parked in a handicap spot.
Australian social media influencer Paniora Nukunuku — who goes by @pnuks on TikTok — posted a series of videos this past week documenting his run-in with an elderly lady who apparently accosted him in a McDonald’s parking lot as he pulled into a space.
Since PN has a prosthetic leg — as well as what amounts to a handicap placard on the dash of his car — he parked in a handicap space close to the building. The problem … this woman seems to have presumed he didn’t need it and was just parking wherever he wanted.
Big mistake, ’cause the guy takes the woman to task — within reason, of course. He gets out of the car and films his prosthetic, and when he finally comes face to face with her asking why she questioned if the placard was really his … it’s hilariously awkward.
His point … not all handicapped people are in wheelchairs and not all are super old and frail (which also happens to be his TikTok bio). Paniora says he went to the cops over this too, BTW, but they told him they weren’t able to do anything. So, he took to the internet.
Now, it’s understandable why the woman might’ve thought he was some young whippersnapper flouting the rules … because, yes, it happens. And as she notes … she “desperately needs” access to such spots. It’s also unclear *how* she went about asking.
Still … perhaps next time, wait til they’re out of the car before pouncing — ya might get some much-needed context clues!