“I can’t believe you’re being serious rn.”
Heather Morris, who played Brittany on Glee, is facing backlash for a series of tweets involving Mark Salling.
It all started when Kevin McHale, who played Artie, retweeted a fan’s post about “A Very Glee Christmas”:
In the tweet, the face of Mark Salling, who played Puck, is covered by a vomit emoji. In 2017, Mark pleaded guilty to child pornography charges after he was found with over 55,000 images and videos of child pornography — with some of the victims as young as 3–5 years old. He died by suicide while awaiting sentencing shortly after.
Heather then replied to Kevin’s retweet, calling the use of the emoji “offensive.”
Although some supported Heather, many people then replied, voicing their disapproval:
Then, Heather tweeted about the “disrespect and unkindness” she’d received:
Which spurred a series of reactions in themselves:
Some noted Heather’s tweets in the context of her response to the accusations of racism Lea Michele faced from costar Samantha Ware earlier this summer:
As for Kevin, he didn’t comment further — but did like a tweet that appeared to advocate for the “canceling” of Mark:
We’ll keep you posted if there are any more updates.
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