Your Horoscope for the Week of November 29th –

Overview: Use your words! A powerful lunar eclipse in communicative Gemini on November 30th reframes the way the zodiac thinks about language, listening, and perception. Mercury enters blunt Sagittarius the next day, helping us say what we mean and mean what we say. Saturday takes a tender turn when Venus trines Neptune, giving us healing, empathy, and love.

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How’s your speaking/listening balance, Aries? The lunar eclipse in Gemini on Monday helps you do both so can see the big picture. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled vision sector on Tuesday, giving you more curiosity, receptivity, and willingness to learn. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday helps you heal from something in your romantic past.


What grounds you, Taurus? Monday’s lunar eclipse in Gemini keeps you centered in embodiment, pleasure, and organization. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled intimacy zone on Tuesday, helping you speak your sexual desires and hear your partner’s, too. A communicative Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday wants you to speak to lovers with more friendliness.


Cosmic reset, Gemini! A life-altering lunar eclipse in Gemini on Monday gives you change, closure, and beginnings where you want them. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled compromise zone on Tuesday, inspiring negotiation and helping you understand different POVs. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday inspires healthier choices and responsible self-care.


Let it go, Cancer! A powerful lunar eclipse in your Gemini-ruled closure zone on Monday helps you let go of the beliefs, circumstances, and people that hold you back. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled wellness zone on Tuesday, inspiring a routine for optimized health. Saturday’s Venus-Neptune trine helps you confidently feel yourself.


Take it *back* to the streets, Leo! The lunar eclipse in Gemini on Monday activates your social/political sector, inspiring you to get clear on what you can do to help the causes that matter. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled confidence zone on Tuesday, fastening the crown on your head. A heart-centered Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday inspires vulnerable truth-telling.


Level up, Virgo! The lunar eclipse in Gemini on Monday lights up your career zone, giving you positive changes—as long as you share your goals with the people who can help make them happen. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled emotionality zone on Tuesday, boosting your emotional intelligence. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday helps you communicate more clearly in a romantic setting.


Get your message out, Libra! A lunar eclipse in Gemini in your candor, vision, and travel zone on Monday wants you to share a big thought, emotion, or desire for your own relief. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled communication zone on Tuesday, helping you speak out more directly. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday wants you to feel embodied, grounded, and centered.


How does “talk” turn you on, Scorpio? Monday’s lunar eclipse in Gemini makes communication even sexier and more intimate, as long as you’re willing to speak up! Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled income zone on Tuesday, boosting your financial literacy and goals. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday reminds you that you’re worthy—so let others love on you!


Freedom AND connection, Sagittarius! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Gemini is a game-changer, helping you maintain your independence while in relationship with others. Mercury enters your sign on Tuesday, giving you crystal-clear thinking and communication. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday can set you free from an emotional habit that’s no longer working for you.


What does “wellness” mean to you, Cap? Monday’s lunar eclipse in Gemini wants you to reimagine routine, organization, and inner peace as wellness strategies for peak self care. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled closure zone on Tuesday, empowering you to move on. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday wants you to “reunite” with your ride-or-dies for support.


Feel yourself, Aquarius! A confidence-inducing lunar eclipse in Gemini on Monday helps you claim more power so you can do big things. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled political zone on Tuesday, helping you stay connected to social causes. An illuminating Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday reframes your career thoughts.


What if “home” is a feeling, Pisces? Monday’s lunar eclipse in Gemini helps you see “home” as the feelings you have when you’re speaking with “family,” aka the people who help you feel safe to be you. Mercury enters your Sagittarius-ruled career zone on Tuesday, giving you ambition and creativity. A Venus-Neptune trine on Saturday clarifies love and belonging in an impactful way.

Colin Bedell

Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design.

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