Big Brother Spoilers: Final PoV Results – globaltv – Global

By John Powell –

The Christmas spirit has been almost snuffed out in the Big Brother house.

Facing a solid trio in Cody, Enzo and Nicole, Christmas had to win today’s Power of Veto Competition to control her own fate.

Unfortunately for her, Cody won which firmly put Christmas’ back against the wall. The only hope the fitness entrepreneur has now would be to somehow convince Cody to use the veto and cut one of his endgame partners which doesn’t seem likely at this juncture.

“Cody was really freaking good,” said Nicole to Enzo in the kitchen when the live feeds returned.

Enzo said Cody had that “mechanism down to a science”.

“Final three, baby! Derrick, let’s go! Final three, back to back seasons!” said Cody as he celebrated in one of the bedrooms speaking to the cameras and talking to his Big Brother mentor, alliance mate, friend, season 16 winner Derrick Levasseur.

“I am walking out of this house on finale night guaranteed. It was a risky plan to toss that HoH to make sure that Enzo won it but I love it when a plan comes together. Big risk. Big reward,” said Cody also proud that he hasn’t been nominated once this season.

“Derrick, if it is safe and okay, you better be out here on finale night. I’d better see you on finale night, Derrick,” said Cody.

Christmas didn’t seem angry or bitter over the loss. She congratulated Cody when she met up with him later.

“Good job, that was fun,” Christmas she said to Cody in the bathroom.

“Yeah, that was a good one,” said Cody of the competition.

Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Mondays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.

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