Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 10: Monday Daytime Highlights – Big Brother Network

Monday’s bring the Power of Veto Ceremony inside the Big Brother house. This week we watched as the nominees tried to convince the POV winner to use it on one of them so that they can backdoor someone else. Get all the details of what happened before, during, and after the Week 10 Power of Veto Ceremony on Big Brother All-Stars right here.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

9:30 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

10:33 AM BBT – Memphis tells Enzo that he would like to go to the end with Cody, but if Nicole takes the deal and puts Cody up, they might try to flip it (Nicole and Christmas).

10:36 AM BBT – Nicole tells Enzo that Christmas is already following her around. She tells him that she waited upstairs listening to music the entire time she curled her hair. She told Christmas that she had to come down to do her makeup. Enzo tells her about the conversation he just had with Memphis and she tells him that after the POV Ceremony he just needs to convince her that she is staying.

10:52 AM BBT – Nicole is telling Enzo and Cody about how Christmas and Memphis are convinced that Nicole is going to use the POV. She tells Cody that they both want him gone so bad, but there isn’t a single pro to her sending him out.

10:54 AM BBT – Enzo, Christmas, and Cody are talking about how they don’t have the outside and Christmas heads into the other room. Enzo says they don’t have the outside because of her (Christmas). Cody tells Enzo that he has been public enemy #1 all season.

11:00 AM BBT – Memphis is telling Christmas that he needs to talk to Nicole because she is the one Nicole is going to pull off the block, not him.

11:15 AM BBT – The backyard reopened.

11:17 AM BBT – Nicole asks Cody what she should do with her speech. He tells her just to keep it simple and tell them that at this stage in the game, it’s best for her to keep the noms the same because they both betrayed her. He tells her to keep playing it up to Christmas that she is not her target while Cody and Enzo will keep making Memphis feel safe.

11:27 AM BBT – Memphis is telling Enzo that he understands why Nicole wants him gone. Enzo tells him it’s because she is scared that she will have to win the POV next week to stay safe. Memphis says that he thinks that Nicole feels like Christmas would keep her safe, but she wouldn’t because of the Wise Guys.

11:35 AM BBT – Cody leaves the HOH and Christmas heads upstairs. Cody goes out to tell Enzo how funny it is that Christmas thinks that she can just tell Nicole what to do.

11:35 AM BBT – Nicole tells Christmas that she doesn’t know what to do and adds that Enzo said he would keep her 100%. Nicole asks her if she trusts Enzo and Christmas tells her that she does, but she has also seen him tell people what they want to hear. Christmas says that she thinks that leaving her on the block feels like too big a risk. Nicole tells her that she should go talk to Enzo.

11:38 AM BBT – While Christmas is talking to Enzo, Memphis walks in and she tells him he has to go upstairs and do some work. Memphis leaves and Enzo tells Christmas that he wants Christmas in F3 no matter what. Enzo tells her that regardless of what he is saying to Memphis, he has her back.

11:39 AM BBT – Nicole tells Memphis that Nicole betrayed her more by trying to flip the vote. She is implying that she is leaning towards wanting Christmas out more than him at this point.

11:44 AM BBT – Memphis leaves the HOH and Nicole camtalks about how brilliant she is and how well she played that because now he knows she isn’t going to use the POV and Christmas is her target.

11:45 AM BBT – Enzo comes into the HOH and tells Nicole that he is there to protect her from Christmas. He tells her that he promised Christmas her vote. He tells her that Christmas gave Cody a compliment and Cody told Christmas that he had to look good in case he goes on the block. They laugh about it.

11:46 AM BBT – Memphis tells Christmas that he told Nicole that if her plan is to keep Christmas then she needs to take her down because Cody and Enzo are going to keep him. She tells Memphis that Enzo is upstairs telling Nicole that he is going to vote to keep her. She says that if there is conflict then they could pull this off.

11:52 AM BBT – Christmas tells Nicole that she is concerned about staying on the block because there is no guarantee of staying if she’s on the block. Nicole says that she thinks Memphis going is best for her game. Christmas also mentions that Cody is going to clip one of them next week if he wins POV.

11:56 AM BBT – Nicole tells Christmas that she doesn’t want to sit next to Memphis either. He created The Committee, he won during the TE, he has several comp wins, he’s always been straight up and never lied to anyone. Nicole says that if they get Memphis out this week, they can get Cody out next week. Christmas says that they have a better shot of getting to the end if they get rid of Cody this week.

12:00 PM BBT – Nicole tells Christmas that she really wants Memphis out this week and that Cody can go next week.

12:04 PM BBT – Christmas tells Nicole that she isn’t trying to keep Memphis around, she is trying to get Cody out. Christmas says that Memphis doesn’t want to sit next to Enzo in the end either so they would be safe if Cody went this week.

12:10 PM BBT – Memphis asks Cody if Christmas is still up there and he tells him and Enzo that she just came down. Cody adds that they might actually get to the POV Ceremony today and jokes so that he can get BD’d. He says wouldn’t it be funny if Nicole used the POV on Memphis instead of Christmas out of spite and they still could get Christmas out with the votes?

12:11 PM BBT – Feeds cut for POV Ceremony.

12:58 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Nicole did not use the POV. Christmas and Memphis remain on the block.

12:58 PM BBT – Nicole and Cody are talking about how Christmas was insulting her as she is trying to manipulate her.

1:00 PM BBT – Cody tells Nicole that Memphis needs to get a grip on the game. He adds that Memphis’ arrogance is irritating.

2:23 PM BBT – Memphis tells Christmas that he had two very interesting dreams last night. She asks if it was laundry. He laughs and says “yea” and feeds cut to the HOH room where Nicole is sleeping.

2:35 PM BBT – Memphis asks Christmas if she is going to be campaigning and she tells him no because they already have their minds made up.

2:48 PM BBT – Cody tells Enzo that if he wins HOH, Nicole wants him to put her on the block to play up the fact that Cody and Enzo are closer than Cody and Nicole. Cody says that’s why he almost wants to put Enzo up so he has that card to play and not Nicole.

2:56 PM BBT – Christmas is talking to herself on the hammock. She is saying that she is playing a really good game. She says that she stayed loyal to the alliance until it was too risky not to.

3:00 PM BBT – The HGs are all lounging and having general chats.

Memphis is still pretty clueless to the fact that he is the target this week and Christmas has already said that she doesn’t plan to campaign this week. This has more to do with the fact that she knows she isn’t Nicole’s target this week, but will her being comfortable on the block come back to bite her?

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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