WarnerMedia Leaders “Concerned and Disappointed” With Internal Culture Reports, Memos Say – Hollywood Reporter

WarnerMedia CEO Kilar says the company has hired a “third party” to review its production business and may “terminate business relationships” that do not live up to the company’s conduct standards.

WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar and Warner Bros. CEO and chairperson Ann Sarnoff are addressing reports of poor workplace cultures at The Ellen DeGeneres Show, TMZ on TV and other shows produced by its subdivision Telepictures in two new memos.

In the memos, both sent Thursday, the same day The Hollywood Reporter published a feature-length investigation into the workplace culture at those two shows and other Telepictures productions, Kilar and Sarnoff address what the former calls “public reports regarding patterns of unacceptable behavior.” The memos also follows three Buzzfeed News reports centering on “toxic” work environments at Ellen and TMZ on TV.

In his memo, Kilar writes that he is both “concerned and disappointed in” recent stories about the company and adds, “this email is to share what we will be doing about it.” The newly installed WarnerMedia leader — Kilar was named CEO on April 1 after a successful run at Hulu as its founding CEO — adds that the company has hired a “third party” to review its production business, will be recirculating its Standards of Business Conduct internally and with current and upcoming business partners and is encouraging employees to report unacceptable conduct.

He says that WarnerMedia may, as a result of its review and reaffirmation of its business conduct standards, uncouple from companies and individuals that do not uphold them. “I anticipate that there will be situations where we choose to terminate business relationships,” he writes. “I also anticipate that there will be situations where a person may choose not to work with us because of these rigid expectations. That’s fine. While there may be companies that will do business with those people, we do not need to be one of them.”

Sarnoff’s memo focuses on Warner Bros.’ code of conduct, which emphasizes respect and the freedom to question authority. “Unfortunately, they’re also not how some people have behaved in the past,” she writes of the conduct standards. “It’s time for that to change. As the leader of this new organization, I take responsibility for what happens on my watch.” Sarnoff is also relatively new to her leadership role, having ascended in June 2019 from her previous role as president of BBC Studios Americas.

Sarnoff adds that she will additionally hold “accountable” a new leadership team she’s been putting in place that will oversee the tone and culture of the company. She continues, “I’ve also empowered, and will hold accountable, the Studios and Networks HR and Legal teams to act on any issues that are brought to them. These groups are a safe harbor where you can register any concerns.” While the company has always been active in addressing employee concerns, she writes, it will be “redoubling” its efforts going forward.

WarnerMedia has been addressing reports of a poor work culture at The Ellen DeGeneres Show in recent weeks, parting ways with three top producers and adding new work benefits for employees. But THR‘s story on Thursday argued that problems like verbal abuse, high turnover and ineffective human resources departments extended well beyond Ellen to shows across Warner Bros.’ Telepictures division.

Read the memos in full below.

Hello Team –

I am both concerned and disappointed by public reports regarding patterns of unacceptable behavior that have been raised in recent weeks. This email is to share what we will be doing about it. 

I’ve always been a believer that a reputation is largely what people say about you when you are not in the room. In my first four months here at WarnerMedia, I’ve thought a lot about our reputation. Specifically, what is our reputation today and what aspirations should we have for our reputation going forward?

I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the most important things I’d like people to say about us when we are not in the room is that we treat people with dignity. 

What does it mean to treat a person with dignity? At a minimum, I believe it entails an acceptance of another person’s identity. It also entails a responsibility to validate, to recognize, and to include. Finally, I believe it entails a commitment to fairness and a commitment to maintaining a safe environment for all.

I say the above as prelude to the statement that going forward, we will be reinforcing our values and demanding more of ourselves and more of the people with whom we choose to partner. We will not be tolerating patterns of behavior that are at odds with our need to treat each other with dignity. What this means pragmatically:

  • We have engaged a third party to do an objective, proactive review across our production business (internal teams in addition to partner productions). I want to understand if there is any pattern of behavior that is at odds with our need to treat each other with dignity.
  • I also am encouraging all of you (and our partners) to report situations where you see a pattern of behavior at odds with this standard. This can be done with a simple communication to your supervisor or HR rep. It can also be done by sending an email to Mike Sofia, who heads up compliance for the company (michael.sofia@warnermediagroup.com). Anonymously, it can be done by calling our help line at 800-375-0288. We will continue to take seriously every allegation of abuse of power, unethical conduct, discrimination or other concerns, and investigate any claim brought forward.
  • Over the next few weeks, each of you will be receiving an updated version of our Standards of Business Conduct. You will be expected to fully digest this important document and sign up to it as a condition of being on this team.
  • In the coming weeks, we will also be communicating to all of our existing and prospective partners (e.g., the active and potential motion picture and television productions). This communication will make clear the requirement that people be treated with dignity and our intention to sever ties where patterns of behavior are at odds with that requirement.

I anticipate that there will be situations where we choose to terminate business relationships. I also anticipate that there will be situations where a person may choose not to work with us because of these rigid expectations. That’s fine. While there may be companies that will do business with those people, we do not need to be one of them.

I also want to say that managing our way strongly through the above will entail remembering that we are all human. I am certain that we will make mistakes as we endeavor to get this right. But I know we can and will be better so long as we are clear in our expectations and hold each other accountable to those expectations each and every day.

With thanks –



Hi everyone,

It’s been a little over a month since our two groups were brought together and, in that time, I’ve had the opportunity to think about the culture of our new organization and want to share these thoughts with you.

As a new division of our company, we have the opportunity to clearly state our principles and our expectations right from the start, so we’re all working from the same playbook. The Studios and Networks Group is a creative nexus for all of WarnerMedia, and our success will be based on innovation, calculated risk-taking, unbridled creativity and a clearly defined code of conduct. We all have a role in supporting our code of conduct, and no one is above it.

So, with that in mind, some initial thoughts:

  • Be collaborative in your creativity, think outside the box and outside your “legacy” company.
  • Be respectful and be open and direct in your communication.
  • Let’s treat our colleagues the way we’d like to be treated, regardless of their job title or position.
  • Do not be afraid to question authority or the status quo – everyone adds value and every voice matters.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, please feel empowered to call out behavior that runs counter to these values.

You can see these aren’t radical or even new ideas. But, unfortunately, they’re also not how some people have behaved in the past. It’s time for that to change. As the leader of this new organization, I take responsibility for what happens on my watch.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been putting together my senior leadership team and I will hold them accountable for setting the tone for how we work together across the company and how we treat each other across the table. I’ve also empowered, and will hold accountable, the Studios and Networks HR and Legal teams to act on any issues that are brought to them. These groups are a safe harbor where you can register any concerns.

I know individuals (and organizations) thrive when there is trust – trust that the company values every one of its employees, and trust that when an employee raises an issue, it will be looked at expeditiously, thoroughly and without risk of retaliation – no matter who raises the issue or who it is raised about. While the company has always had policies in place and acted on these matters, we will be redoubling our efforts. And, I will state here today, that this is how we will operate going forward.

Our culture is something that is very important to me, and it will be key to our growth and success. Please know that my commitment to this is more than just sending out a memo and checking a box. Starting with me, we all have a responsibility to help create an environment where everyone feels respected, valued and safe when they show up as their authentic selves. It’s how we’ll do our best work. In addition, to give us a baseline on our culture and help us better understand your experiences and the work environment, we will be asking a third-party to conduct a culture survey of our group in the next few weeks.

I’m truly excited about the future of the Studios and Networks Group. Our opportunities and success are only limited by our imaginations, so let’s show everyone what we can do together.



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