Dear Doctor: Does the high level of protein in my husband’s urine indicate a serious condition? – OregonLive
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband had many tests for bacteria in his urine. Three months ago, he had no protein in the urine; two months ago, the number of protein was 20; one month ago, the number was 100. His urologist is not concerned. My sister, who had amyloidosis that eventually took her life, always said, “You don’t want to see protein in your urine.” Could there be a nonserious reason for all this protein? His kidney function is excellent for a 76-year-old. Should the protein be investigated? -- R.S.
ANSWER: I agree with your instincts that protein in the urine should be investigated. While none of the 40 types of amyloidosis are common, your sister was right that protein in the urine might represent a serious condition. Nephrologists are the experts in evaluation of abnormal protein i...