How Effective Is the Flu Vaccine? Experts Explain What to Expect This Year –
Every fall, as Americans roll up their sleeves to get their annual flu shot, there’s a lingering question: How effective will the vaccine be this year? The answer, according to experts, is we can’t exactly know—but even so, the vaccine is safe and it’s your best protection against becoming seriously ill with influenza.
Why does the effectiveness fluctuate each year?
If you look at the numbers for how effective the flu vaccine has been at protecting Americans from getting sick with the flu over the past few decades, there is a fairly wide range, from 19% in 2014-15 to 60% in 2010-11. (These numbers mean that, for instance, in 2010-11, 60 percent fewer healthy adults who are vaccinated got the flu compared with those who are unvaccinated.)
Why the discrepancy? It’s all a matter of met...