Havent done your routine dusting? Experts say without cleaning, it could be life threatening – USA TODAY
Dust contains mostly skin cells, bits of bugs, your hair, bits of your clothing on the base level.
"Dust carries a variety of products that can cause odd infections."
Dusting with a wet mop is preferable to dry wiping dust.
Sure, you may dust, but what about the top of the ceiling fan or behind the refrigerator? How bad is a dust bunny here and there anyway?
Bad, experts say.
Dust buildup can cause serious health problems, according to Johns Hopkins Hospital lung expert Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos, including serious lung infections and in rare cases, even death.
“A good inhalation of dust could be life threatening depending on someone’s asthma exacerbation,” Galiatsatos said.
Dust can enter our airways with each breath we take or dusty object we touch, but how much us too much?