In Surprise Twist, COVID-19 Can Cause Weird Skin Rashes. Heres What to Look Out For – ScienceAlert
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, a dry cough, and losing your sense of taste and smell. Other signs that are frequently seen include headaches, muscle and joint pain, nasal congestion, and fatigue.
A less common symptom are rashes of various forms. These have been slower to be reported, partly due to the wide variety that have appeared in COVID-19 patients, making it more challenging to establish a consistent correlation.
Nevertheless, knowing how COVID-19 affects the skin is important. A recent study found that for 17 percent of COVID-19 patients with multiple symptoms, skin rashes were the first symptom to appear, while for 21 percent of patients rashes were their only symptom.
Being able to identify the effects of COVID-19 on the skin may allow cases to be spotted...