Jennifer Anistons strange vocal habit on Friends is exposed by a TikTok user – Daily Mail
Friends fans have claimed their 'lives have been ruined' after a viral video exposed Jennifer Aniston's vocal tic on the sitcom, which ran from 1994 to 2004.
One TikTok user – whose account name is cts.trphe – pointed out that the Golden Globe winner regularly makes a throat-clearing sound at the start of her every line on the smash-hit NBC series with a very devoted fan base.
'What I'm about to say is going to ruin your life. It's going to ruin your life especially if you are a big fan of the show Friends,' the content creator prefaced in an upload posted on Jan. 14.
Subtle: Friends fans have claimed their 'lives have been ruined' after a viral video exposed Jennifer Aniston's vocal tic on the sitcom, which ran from 1994 to 2004; seen in October 2019
He warned:...