Adele fans say they dont believe her story that COVID killed Las Vegas shows – Daily Mail

Adele fans are questioning the singer’s claim that COVID infections among her crew and delivery delays are what caused her to cancel her Las Vegas residency with less than 24 hours notice on Thursday. 

The singer uploaded a sobbing video to social media on Thursday where she apologized profusely through tears but told fans: ‘My show ain’t ready.’ She said the production had been ‘destroyed’ by delivery delays and that ‘half her crew’ are out with COVID. 

Now, all of the shows she had scheduled between January and April have been canceled. Fans – who clambered to spend hundreds if not thousands on the tickets – now have until mid February to claim a full cash refund for them, or hold on to them to use at rescheduled shows. 

Many who traveled thousands of miles to attend are still left out of pocket with their wasted airfares and hotel rooms. They also had to pay for a COVID test at a lab to be taken within 48 hours of the show –  a requirement to get in. 

Caesars Palace, which was hosting the event, claimed online it is offering all fans a full refund for their rooms. 

But some fans tell they aren’t receiving full refunds because they are now trying to cancel within 24 hours of the first night. 

Dawn Sinko, designer from L.A., spent nearly $4,000 on tickets and $1,500 on a room at Caesars for three nights. 

The singer uploaded a sobbing video to social media on Thursday where she apologized profusely through tears but told fans: 'My show ain't ready.'

The singer uploaded a sobbing video to social media on Thursday where she apologized profusely through tears but told fans: 'My show ain't ready.'

The singer uploaded a sobbing video to social media on Thursday where she apologized profusely through tears but told fans: ‘My show ain’t ready.’

Dawn Sinko, designer from L.A., spent nearly $4,000 on tickets and $1,500 on a room at Caesars for three nights. Now, she says Caesars is refusing to give her a refund for the first night even though it canceled the event

Dawn Sinko, designer from L.A., spent nearly $4,000 on tickets and $1,500 on a room at Caesars for three nights. Now, she says Caesars is refusing to give her a refund for the first night even though it canceled the event

Dawn Sinko, designer from L.A., spent nearly $4,000 on tickets and $1,500 on a room at Caesars for three nights. Now, she says Caesars is refusing to give her a refund for the first night even though it canceled the event

She told the hotel has agreed to refund her for the second and third night but not the first. 

‘This is just insanity. I’d understand if it was a different hotel but it’s the hotel where the event that was canceled is happening,’ she said. 

Sinko is a die-hard fan who said she could never ‘hate’ Adele, but who has been left sorely disappointed by the 11th hour cancelation. 

She says she isn’t buying the story that the show was canceled because of ‘crew’ sickness or delivery delays, and that something else must be at play. 

‘If Adele knew she was canceling, why did she wait until the last second? It still would have been horrible but even two or three days earlier would have made a difference. I was packed and checked in for my flight, and I’m by no means the worst case.’

Sinko paid $877 per ticket for four tickets to attend the first show. She said she didn’t mind spending extra to get to opening night, which would no doubt have been ‘really special’. 

She has had to accept that she has lost the money on her flight, she said, and she does not want a refund now for her tickets because they were so difficult to come by.

Mary Clare Donahue traveled to Vegas from Illinois with her family for the show. They were already in Vegas when it was canceled. Now, she says shortening the trip will cost them even more

Mary Clare Donahue traveled to Vegas from Illinois with her family for the show. They were already in Vegas when it was canceled. Now, she says shortening the trip will cost them even more

Mary Clare Donahue traveled to Vegas from Illinois with her family for the show. They were already in Vegas when it was canceled. Now, she says shortening the trip will cost them even more 

Fans are questioning the singer's claim that she was forced to cancel because her crew has COVID and due to delivery delays

Fans are questioning the singer's claim that she was forced to cancel because her crew has COVID and due to delivery delays

Fans are questioning the singer’s claim that she was forced to cancel because her crew has COVID and due to delivery delays 

‘I want to see her of course… the only thing I don’t understand is – if you took a poll among fans, we would have been just as happy if she came out and sang on an empty stage with a piano. 

‘It’s not like it’s Pink and she’s flying through the air. She could have come out in sweats. We just want to hear her sing. 

‘Something is up. I know she has epic stage fright, so is it stage fright? I was due to see her at the Greek for my birthday before and she canceled  because if a throat thing.

‘I could never hate her because I love her but I don’t believe what she is saying.’ 

She shares the feeling of other fans that the famously down-to-earth singer has turned Hollywood.  

Caesars Palace, which was hosting the event, claimed online it is offering all fans a full refund for their rooms. But some fans tell they aren't receiving full refunds because they are now trying to cancel within 24 hours of the first night

Caesars Palace, which was hosting the event, claimed online it is offering all fans a full refund for their rooms. But some fans tell they aren't receiving full refunds because they are now trying to cancel within 24 hours of the first night

Caesars Palace, which was hosting the event, claimed online it is offering all fans a full refund for their rooms. But some fans tell they aren’t receiving full refunds because they are now trying to cancel within 24 hours of the first night

‘It wasn’t great how she was doing it in the first place, it was so  hard to get tickets and they were so expensive. Initially, one of my girlfriends said she didn’t want to pay more than $500 and they ended up at $877. She said, “You know, I can’t help but think that she’s not the same person.” 

‘Before, you used to feel like as a fan she genuinely cared about you and she made the experience so beautiful. It’s the opposite right now.’ 

Other fans share her suspicions. Many are pointing to the fact that she canceled numerous shows in 2011 to have throat surgery. 

She canceled more shows in 2017 to save her throat.

‘Doesn’t make sense, does it? 24 concerts cancelled in Las Vegas when perhaps only the first few weeks could have been postponed. More going on here than people are being told,’ one fan said. 

‘She’s too unreliable. I used to be a massive fan and saw her in Wembley but since the release of 30 there’s something putting me off her and I can’t put my finger on it. 

‘I have tickets to Hyde Park but if it’s canceled I honestly won’t bat an eyelid,’ another said.