Potentially fatal black fungus infections on the rise in Indias COVID-19 patients – Livescience.com
Some COVID-19 patients in India have developed a rare and potentially fatal fungal infection called mucormycosis, also known as "black fungus," according to news reports.
Mucormycosis is caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes, which grow in soil and decaying organic matter, such as rotting leaves and wood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
"It is ubiquitous and found in soil and air and even in the nose and mucus of healthy people," Dr. Akshay Nair, a Mumbai-based eye surgeon, told BBC News. The mold can enter the body through cuts and other abrasions in the skin, or the infection can take hold in the sinuses or lungs after people breathe in the fungal spores. Once inside the body, the fungus can sometimes spread through the bloodstream and ...